Coffee Talk Game Dub
Project Overview
Hello everyone I'm making a dub for the game Coffee Talk for my youtube channel (The Awesome604). I do both gameplay and voice acting stuff so I thought it'd be cool if I combined both into one video.
THIS IS A PAID PROJECT (If you have Cash App that'd be much easier to pay but if not then, of course, I can do PayPal)
I just made a Discord Server for this project too so join if you'd like!! (
So first things first...
How does the game work!!
So I linked the trailer so watch that first but basically you play as a barista in a coffee shop in Seattle that only opens at night. You make people coffee and you get to hear people's stories and have scripted conversations with them. It sounds lowkey boring but it’s actually pretty interesting and relaxing. Also, this isn’t normal Seattle it’s like a fantasy land Seattle with elves and werewolves and all.
How Will This Dub Work
So since I’m commentating on the game, as I would for any normal gameplay video I do, I’m going to read the lines for the main character (aka The Barista) and crack a few jokes for some entertainment. But for the other voices, I thought I could find some people to voice the lines since the original game doesn’t have voice actors. Kinda like the game, Phoenix Wright, if you know it. So basically it’s me making dumb jokes and reading my lines, then during the scripted conversations, the other characters will have their lines voiced by hopefully one of you all.
Also, I’ll probably only dub the first four days of the game (kinda like chapters), and depending on how well the videos do I’ll dub the rest of the game. But that’s not a certainty yet. I may do the whole game still. One day = one video (unless one day is really long then I’ll work it out). I hope this makes sense. I'm happy to answer any questions and always open for suggestions on how to make this cooler.
Auditions Look Weird How Do They Work?
So yeah I made the auditions a little different and look kinda weird. Just in case you don't understand the layout defer to this. But if you get it then feel free to skip this. I tried to give you as much information as I could to make it easier on you all since you won't understand the scene and mood if it was just random lines. On top is the context which, of course, is the context of the lines and what is going on in the scene when the lines are being said. On the left is the emotion and mood the lines are to be delivered as. For example, if it says (annoyed) then deliver the lines as if you were annoyed. On the right are the lines for the audition. If there is a line on the right but no emotion or mood on the left then deliver the line the same way as the line above. Some of the emotion and mood explanations may be kind of confusing and I apologize for that. It'll be 100% easier to do the lines if you could see the character's animations. So if you're worried about the difficulty don't worry. If you get a part I can send all the footage and it'll make your life much easier, hopefully. Sadly I can't post video auditions here so I have to try my best to describe it for you. See below for my DM's if you have any questions for me. : )
I’ll need good clean audio (so no background noises or buzzing or anything like that)
Preferably have an XLR mic but USB works if it fits criteria listed above
Preferably be 18+ my channel isn’t very let's say kid-friendly
(But if you are below 18 and your voice fits the character well then that’s fine)
Try to get lines done before the deadline but I know life can be busy so just be able to communicate with me if anything needed
Not really a requirement but if you aren’t chosen but I liked your voice I may keep you as an understudy just in case person cast is unable to turn in lines
Also not a requirement, but try and give multiple takes on your audition. Maybe the first take can be my voice suggestion and the next take can be your own interpretation of their voices. Up to you on how you want to audition.
Good luck everyone and most importantly have fun with it!!
If you need to contact me you can here on CCC or my discord: Awesome604#2051
Also Also, if you need any more information on any of the characters I'll link the website I used to help write the character bios: . I tried to keep them as spoiler-free as possible but if you don't mind spoilers and need more info click the link!!
Update #1
Just wanted to fill everyone in on some stuff. Firstly I was trying to give feedback to everyone who auditioned but I found that's its kind of impossible to get to everyone. So if you wanted some feedback on yours let me know by putting feedback welcomed or whatever on your audition submission notes. Or just message me here on CCC or discord (username above). Also, one thing I'm noticing on some people's auditions is a bit TOO much overacting. Try to be more casual this is just a conversation between friends over drinks. Like, imagine you were with your friends drinking and having a nice conversation. Keep the emotions but don't over emote. Hope that makes sense. Message me if you have any questions too. But you all are doing great and THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Update #2
Hi again friends!! Hope you don't mind another update. Just wanted to start off by saying thank you so so so much for the almost 300 auditions. That's about 300 more than I thought I would receive so thank you. I just wanted to mention that I have created a discord server for my project finally. I've never made a server before so bear with me. My test subjects said it was good so I'm finally opening it up. Why did I make a server you ask? Well, a lot of people have been sending me audition retries on my discord DM's (which is 100% fine you can resubmit as much as you want) so I decided to make a place where everyone can submit their auditions and ask questions. Or maybe just chat with other auditioners if you wanted. This is also where I will communicate with the cast when I make my final decisions. But that's not until September. So if any of you are interested press the link here ( or DM me (Awesome604#2051) for an invite. Just make sure when you join let me know what role you want. If you're there to audition or just to follow the project. Anyways thanks again to everyone and I hope to see some of you in the server!!
Update #3
Hello again everyone!! This will hopefully be the last update so I'm sorry again for my annoyance. First off let me start by again saying THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR AUDITIONS!! We have just passed 500 auditions total on this project and it's amazing. Anyways, just wanted to notify everyone that there is a week left (6 days now technically) until the deadline so if you haven't submitted an audition yet OR want to try a resubmission now would be the time. So that also means I'm gonna have to make my final decisions pretty soon. But if you don't get chosen don't get down. Everyone is gonna have an understudy too, just in case someone can't turn in their lines, so if I liked your audition 2nd best I'll probably make you an understudy. You'll be like a 2nd string VA. And if I continue playing the game (which I probably will) there will be more characters added!! Also, I'm trying my best to get to give everyone who has asked for feedback so I'm sorry if I haven't gotten to everyone yet. I didn't expect soooo many requests lol. So please don't hate me if I don't get to you. Finally, I just wanted to point out that for some reason the format I made for the audition lines got all messed up. I fix it in the edit box but for some reason, the changes don't show on the public page. I don't know if that made sense BUT if you're trying to audition and the lines look all wacky I'm sorry and I'm trying to fix it. So yeah, thanks again!! Think that's all I wanted to say sorry for the long update.
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Latest Updates
Hello again everyone!! This will hopefully be the last update so I'm sorry again for my annoyance. First off let me start by again saying THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR AUDITIONS!! We have just passed 500 auditions total on this project and it's amazing. Anyways, just wanted to notify everyone that there is a week left (6 days now technically) until the deadline so if you haven't submitted an audition yet OR want to try a resubmission now would be the time. So that also means I'm gonna have to make my final decisions pretty soon. But if you don't get chosen don't get down. Everyone is gonna have an understudy too, just in case someone can't turn in their lines, so if I liked your audition 2nd best I'll probably make you an understudy. You'll be like a 2nd string VA. And if I continue playing the game (which I probably will) there will be more characters added!! Also, I'm trying my best to get to give everyone who has asked for feedback so I'm sorry if I haven't gotten to everyone yet. I didn't expect soooo many requests lol. So please don't hate me if I don't get to you. Finally, I just wanted to point out that for some reason the format I made for the audition lines got all messed up. I fix it in the edit box but for some reason, the changes don't show on the public page. I don't know if that made sense BUT if you're trying to audition and the lines look all wacky I'm sorry and I'm trying to fix it. So yeah, thanks again!! Think that's all I wanted to say sorry for the long update.
Update #2 (Discord Server Creation)
Hi again friends!! Hope you don't mind another update. Just wanted to start off by saying thank you so so so much for the almost 300 auditions. That's about 300 more than I thought I would receive so thank you. I just wanted to mention that I have created a discord server for my project finally. I've never made a server before so bear with me. My test subjects said it was good so I'm finally opening it up. Why did I make a server you ask? Well, a lot of people have been sending me audition retries on my discord DM's (which is 100% fine you can resubmit as much as you want) so I decided to make a place where everyone can submit their auditions and ask questions. Or maybe just chat with other auditioners if you wanted. This is also where I will communicate with the cast when I make my final decisions. But that's not until September. So if any of you are interested press the link here ( or DM me (Awesome604#2051) for an invite. Just make sure when you join let me know what role you want. If you're there to audition or just to follow the project. Anyways thanks again to everyone and I hope to see some of you in the server!! -
Just a small Update for everyone
UPDATE: Just wanted to fill everyone in on some stuff. Firstly I was trying to give feedback to everyone who auditioned but I found that's its kind of impossible to get to everyone. So if you wanted some feedback on yours let me know by putting feedback welcomed or whatever on your audition submission notes. Or just message me here on CCC or discord (Awesome604 #2051). Also, one thing I'm noticing on some people's auditions is a bit TOO much overacting. Try to be more casual this is just a conversation between friends over drinks. Like, imagine you were with your friends drinking and having a nice conversation. Keep the emotions but don't over emote. Hope that makes sense. Message me if you have any questions too. But you all are doing great and THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Freya is a human woman that works in a newspaper but intends to break into fiction writing. She earns a chance to do so, but she has to finish her book in a short period of time. She can be loud and snarky especially with the barista. But can also be very stressed out due to her job and novel writing hobby. She isn't the main character per se but she is in every Day (aka chapter) and has the most lines out of any character. This also means that she's in the middle of everyone's conversations and stories and will usually offer her two cents (aka her opinion) on the matter. She can be a bit blunt sometimes but does mean well.
For her voice, I'd say just sound like any adult millennial coffee shop girl. Young, fun, and at times loud, but also a bit mature whenever she's deep in discussion with the other patrons. Really any voice should be fine but for an example, I thought of Monica Rial would be a good fit. ( Her normal voice not like her cute anime girl voice though. But try out your own takes on how you'd think she should sound like.
(Context: She’s talking to the barista about her novel she works on during her free time)
(Stressed) That’s the hard part… I’ve been secretly working on the novel during office hours.
And I’m falling behind on the newspaper's deadlines.
If the chief finds out, she’ll probably kick me out.
(Context: Freya talks to Jorji about Lua and Baileys [the troubled couple] and their family issues)
(Compassionate) They’re going through a pretty hard time together.
You know... different races…. different cultures… families don’t approve.
When I heard their story… I kinda felt their pain.
(Context: Freya asks Jorji [the cop] about any juicy stories to write about for her job and he responds by telling her about a green-haired writer who visits a coffee shop [aka her])
(Annoyed Shout) OH, COME ON!
(Annoyed Grump) I was so excited to hear about something real.

Jorji is a human cop that's stationed near Coffee Talk (that's what the shop is called). A regular for years, he's become one of Freya's main sources of information for things that are happening around town. He is a super nice guy and a decent cop. Likes to slack off though and go visit his favorite shop and have a nice drink and chat. Is also a dad of a young adult. Also, he is lactose intolerant. That's not really a big character point but he makes it well known that he is. He appears only in Day 2 and Day 4 (aka chapters 2 and 4).
For his voice, I already have a great example in mind. I'd want his voice to sound like Lee from The Walking Dead telltale games (Dave Fennoy). Here's an example:
(Context: Explaining to Freya that his coffee breaks are necessary and he’s not wasting time while he’s supposed to be at work)
(Said While Chuckling) Those are just coffee breaks…
(Playful Sarcasm) Sometimes they might take longer than they’re meant to.... but still… coffee breaks.
(Context: He’s asking Rachel why she’s at the coffee shop and shows concern towards her as he has a daughter around her age (18) and he understands girls her age)
(Concerned) I don’t know why you’re here.
But everything is going to be okay.
(Reassuring, said with a warm smile) You can forget all of your problems while you’re here.
(Context: Having a heartfelt conversation with Rachel about his relationship with his daughter and how even though they may fight all the time they still love each other)
(Heartfelt Explanation) Because it’s true.
I’ve fought a lot with my kids. That’s normal
In fact, whenever we finish arguing about something…
We become closer as a family.

Hyde is a vampire and longtime friend of Gala. Lives in LA but is in Seattle (where the game takes place) for business-related reasons. The age says he's middle age but since he's a vampire he's been alive for a VERY long time. Hyde met Gala in the 1960s so yeah he's pretty old. He is a supermodel who models for aging products and since, as a vampire, he barley ages it's a perfect fit. One of his traits is that he is brutally honest. Not because he's a bad guy but that's how he is. He isn't necessarily wrong in what he says but its how he says it that can lead to hurt feelings. (I mention this because there's a scene in the game where this is important). Also has a slight sense of humor and can mess with the barista at times. He appears on Day 2 and Day 4 (aka chapters 2 and 4).
For his voice, it was a little more challenging to pin down. I was thinking that he should have a more monotone voice but add some flavor to it. His voice is like he doesn't care. But try and keep the feeling casual nothing TOO epic or dramatic. He's just talking with friends over coffee at a small coffee shop in Seattle. Hope that makes sense. The example I had in mind was like Matthew Mercer as Yusuke or Jotaro. Here are some of his many voices: Or Alucard from Hellsing Ultimate but less evil:
But feel free to try your own voices that you'd think best fit and maybe I'll end up liking yours more.
(Context: Hyde and Gala are having a conversation. Gala asks Hyde how the town is treating him so far [since Hyde is from LA and this is Seattle])
(Normal monotone response) Same old.
(said with a slight smirk but still monotone) I was surprised seeing so many changes after just a few years though.
(Context: Hyde is talking to the Barista about his job as a skincare model and while telling him that Vampires are good skincare models because they don’t age. The barista asks if that isn’t just false advertising)
(Monotone snicker) Heh
(Monotone Condescending) Don’t be naive.
(Monotone Explanation) Truth is a matter of circumstance and perspective.
Advertising is just framing the truth...
(Context: Hyde and Freya are asking Lua about Baileys and their familial problems. How they can’t get married because their families disapprove. Hyde, who is very blunt, gives his opinion and comes off like a jerk).
(Monotone Response) Problem solved then?
(Monotone and blunt. Said with a chuckle) Why do you have to care so much about what his or your family thinks?
(Montone and Blunt) Just marry him, make a family of your own.

Gala is a werewolf that works at the local hospital and one of Coffee Talk's best customers. Also friends with Hyde. Like Hyde, Gala doesn't age normally as they both met in the 1960s. He's what you'd call a Noble Wolf as he works at a hospital specifically to help improve and save lives. Like all werewolves though, he does have to transform at least once a month and is actively looking for a solution to prevent his transformation. All werewolves have their own means to help subdue their transformations and Gala thinks coffee is his solution. Hence why he goes to the coffee shop. He displays an average range of emotions and always keeps his emotions in check and never raises his voice. But he's still a happy nice guy. He appears on Day 2 and Day 4 (aka chapters 2 and 4).
So for his voice, I was thinking Bigsby Wolf from The Wolf Among Us but slightly deeper ( Since he is a hefty man I think a deeper voice would suit him best and add some gruff to it as well. But he is a pretty happy nice guy so add some Jollyness too it as well. Santa Clause voice pops in my head but obviously Gala isn't gonna start Ho Ho Ho'ing. Hope that makes sense. But as always feel free to try your own takes on what you think he should sound like.
(Context: Hyde and Gala are having a discussion about what Gala does for his job at the hospital)
(Normal Response) Admission Officer.
And yes, I’m still a hospital admission officer there.
(Hyde Line: “They should give u a promotion.” [DON’T READ])
(Normal Response) They offered me a managerial position.
But I declined. I prefer doing this.
(Context: Freya is lecturing Hyde on his brutal honesty and how it comes off as pretty mean. Gala is agreeing with Freya.)
(Compassionate Advice) Listen to her Hyde.
She’s got a good point.
(Hyde Lines)
(A Bit Surprised) I was a bit surprised, though.
Usually, you don’t bother with this kind of thing.
I’ve seen you actively avoid it.
(Context: Hyde is asking Gala if he’s found a less painful way to suppress his monthly fury. [Because he’s a werewolf and werewolves gotta transform])
(Normal Response) A certain combination of ginger and caffeine.
(Hyde Line: “Is that why you got coffee with ginger?” [DON’T READ])
(Normal Response) Yes, I’m exploring the possibilities.
But this drink wasn’t the one
I guess there’s too much caffeine in coffee for it to be the remedy.

Lua is a nice and gentle succubus who is in a troublesome relationship with Baileys. Without spoiling too much she is in a relationship with Baileys, an elf, and they're unable to be together due to their families. She vents her problems to the other patrons and the barista/owner of the coffee shop. Also will get into some arguments with Baileys and other patrons by defending her side of the issue. She appears on Day 1 and Day 4 (aka chapters 1 and 4).
For her voice, I'd say a softer young adult millennial woman, but maybe add a hint of sadness or stress. Because of all her relationship problems. I couldn't think of a great example sorry. But feel free to play around with the voice and see what you'd think to suit her best.
(Context: Lua is arguing with Bailey’s about how their families don’t approve of them being together. Bailey’s family warns him about what would happen if they were to stay together but doesn't want to tell Lua what his family said. She can already guess what they say however and she says...)
(Slightly Annoyed) About how if you outlive me…
No other elves would want to be with an elf....
That’s already been tainted by a lowly succubus?
(Context: Baileys suggest they don’t need family approval and should just continue being together in secret. This upsets Lua.)
(Angry but not yelling) Do you want to be hiding our relationship for the rest of eternity?
We’re not like humans, you know.
We can’t just elope.
(Context: Hyde is asking Lua about his troubles with Baileys. How they’re families disapprove of them being together)
(Slight Sadness) Baileys and I have different views on the importance of family.
My family is pretty close, and usually they’re supportive.
But when it comes to dating an elf...
They fear that I’ll be treated like a… like a peasant.

Baileys is a self-proclaimed "hipster" elf in a troublesome relationship with Lua. He can be a bit rude at times but ultimately a kind person. He has the same problem that Lua has in that they are together but both families are against it. His family is wealthy so he is more privileged than others. He, unlike Lua, is more open to abandoning his family to be with her. He is only in Day 1 (aka 1 chapter) so he has the least amount of lines out of any character. (So far, I haven't played the whole game just to day 4)
For his voice, I'd say, a young hipster voice but add a bit of smugness since he can be kind of a jerk and his family is more "privileged" than others. But he's not a total jerkwad he is still a good person so not too smug. (I hope that makes sense) He's like a Chad but not a full-on Chad if that makes it easier.
An example I can think of is Shinji Matou (Kyle McCarley) from Fate/ Stay Night. But dial down the smugness a bit.
(Context: Baileys and Freya are talking about what kind of work they do. Freya is a writer while Baileys says….)
(Normal Response) I’m a freelance designer and illustrator.
I’ve done some caricatures and infographics for the paper.
(Context: In an argument with his girlfriend Lua about how they’re families disapprove of them being together because of racial differences.)
(Annoyed) I can’t stand even one more second being a part of them
(*Take a deep breath* stressed) I might not have a stable income, but I can manage.
(Context: Baileys and Lua are discussing what would happen if they defied their parents and continued to be together.)
(Stern but loving) If I get to spend my life with you, I don’t mind.
I don’t mind a bit.

Rachel is a young nekomimi (cat girl basically) Idol Singer and former member of the girl's group Super Smile who's recently gone solo. She's the youngest of the cast at 18 years old and definitely the most immature. She frequently points out that, being eighteen, she is "officially" an adult and doesn't like to be treated like a child. Safe to say she's kind of a snotty brat. The other older customers tend to look out for her and offer her advice as well.
For her voice, I'm going to need a younger sounding voice. The voice I had in mind was Rise from Persona 4 voiced by Laura Bailey ( But also Ashley Burch voiced her too and it fits well also ( But as always feel free to try your own takes on what you think she would sound like. Maybe I'll end up liking yours more.
(Context: Freya is asking what a young lady like her is doing at a coffee shop so late at night. Rachel responds…)
(Sassy) I’m not a young girl
(Pouty said with arms crossed) I’m a grown-up who can take care of herself.
(Freya line [DON’T READ] Err… you don’t look like a grown-up.)
(Surprised) What!?
(Sassy) I’m eighteen!
(Context: Freya asks why Rachel is at the coffee shop. After a few joke responses, Rachel finally gives the real reason.)
(Slight Sadness) Well, you know…
The usual young folks’ problems.
I had a fight with my father.
(Context: Rachel is discussing with Jorji why she fought with her father and why she ran from home.)
(Jokingly) Maybe I should run even farther…
(Serious) I mean, I have my own income.
I don’t need to rely on my dad.

Her name isn't actually ??? but because I've only played up to day 4 of the game her name hasn't been revealed yet. But because of the internet, I looked it up and her name is Mrytle. She becomes a bigger character later in the game but like I said I've only gone up to day 4. So she has barley any lines so this will be the easiest and shortest of all the roles. We basically know nothing about her as of right now so there isn't much I can say to describe her. She is an Orc though we can tell that much. But she is on her phone most of the time and seems very disinterested in the other customers and their stories. So this could be the easiest $5 you could ever make.
For her voice, she's a big Orc so something deeper. My example would be Eva (Cindy Robinson) from Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online. I couldn't find a clip of Eva to show you sadly. But if you want, go on Netflix and look up the show and go to episode 5 you can find a clip for reference.
(Context: ???? [aka Mrytle] is ordering a drink from the barista)
(Normal conversation) Yo.
A cup of honey milk, please.
(Context: She is now going to leave [I told you she has like no lines as of right now].
(Normal Conversation) Hey...
Thank you for the drink and the place to sit.
I'm going back now.
Public Submissions