Coffee Talk Game Dub
RobinRegs for ??? (Mrytle)

Her name isn't actually ??? but because I've only played up to day 4 of the game her name hasn't been revealed yet. But because of the internet, I looked it up and her name is Mrytle. She becomes a bigger character later in the game but like I said I've only gone up to day 4. So she has barley any lines so this will be the easiest and shortest of all the roles. We basically know nothing about her as of right now so there isn't much I can say to describe her. She is an Orc though we can tell that much. But she is on her phone most of the time and seems very disinterested in the other customers and their stories. So this could be the easiest $5 you could ever make.
For her voice, she's a big Orc so something deeper. My example would be Eva (Cindy Robinson) from Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online. I couldn't find a clip of Eva to show you sadly. But if you want, go on Netflix and look up the show and go to episode 5 you can find a clip for reference.
(Context: ???? [aka Mrytle] is ordering a drink from the barista)
(Normal conversation) Yo.
A cup of honey milk, please.
(Context: She is now going to leave [I told you she has like no lines as of right now].
(Normal Conversation) Hey...
Thank you for the drink and the place to sit.
I'm going back now.