Apex Shadow - Narrators and characters for a dark superhero audio drama

Project Overview

Apex Shadow is an ongoing audio drama, taking place in a world of superpowered heroes and villains, with real world consequences. Our story primarily follows a homicide detective and a social worker, both working tirelessly to right wrongs in the wake of the incredible upheaval brought on by these godlike beings. And all the while, an unrelenting serial killer targets both heroes and villains alike when night falls on the city.

We've already released our pilot episode to great success, on multiple platforms. We're in the process of producing episodes two and three! But there's still a lot of work to be done, and we need some additional help with narration! To that end, we're setting up this casting call, not just for narrators, but also to fill some roles for the next arc in the story!

Just a few things to keep in mind.

- Please ensure good recording quality. We don't expect studio-quality stuff here, but if it sounds like you're recording in a wind-tunnel, everyone's going to have a bad time! So please be sure you have a good-sounding mic, and a fairly quiet recording space!

- 18 and up! We'd prefer to work with adult actors only, please. This is a mature production, dealing with heavy themes. Trigger warnings are included with each episode, detailing things that might be upsetting to our listeners. The series delves heavily into various forms of trauma, so please keep that in mind.

- Quite a few of these characters curse like sailors! If foul language offends you, we'll try to work with you, but please be aware that there'll be a fair few f-bombs and the like throughout the show.

- Episodes two and three are already written, currently in production. So if you're cast for the narration gig, please be prepared to hit the ground running!

- Discord is a must! We use a Discord server to communicate among the cast, so make sure you have an account, please!

Any comments, questions, or concerns-- please feel free to get in touch!

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Latest Updates

  • Soon!

    Hey, everyone! There were a ton of great auditions that we received! I can't thank you all enough, seriously! One of the roles has now been filled, but I'll be needing a little more time to finish making a decision as far as The Bagman and the Narrator roles are concerned. These were all tough choices, and I want to make sure I get them all right! I'm hoping to finish casting by tomorrow night! Stay tuned! Much appreciation, once again!
  • So many!

    Great auditions, that is! Holy crap, this is probably going to prove to be the hardest round of casting we've had to do for this show so far! There are a few days left, so please, ladies, gents, others-- keep the good stuff coming, all right? Can't wait to hear from you all! Best of luck!
  • We're off to a great start!

    Such wonderful auditions already for our third arc, and we're not even twenty-four hours in! Thank you all so much! Honestly, hearing all you talented people gets me super excited about bringing more people onto the team. I really appreciate you all taking your time to try out for our show. Best of luck to you all. I'll keep you updated. Keep these auditions coming, everybody!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: heizhima

For our pilot, we had the privelege of working with an incredible narrator, who is currently away. So we're looking to get some assistance in the narration department! I don't want you to try and mimic our previous narrator's voice. But simply use this for guidance, as to the type of neo-noir, grim sort of vibes we're looking for!


  • [Regarding a supervillain returning home from a night of corporate espionage, putting his feet up, thinking he's safe. Spoiler alert... he's not.]

    Maybe it's the years catching up to him. The loneliness. Maybe it's the things he had to do to get paid tonight. Or so many nights before. But this is getting harder for him.

  • [The main characters are responding to a domestic violence call, involving a noted superhero.]

    At Jack's request, Kate forgoes a siren. It's a fifteen-minute drive in midday traffic, but the Champion has enhanced senses, so they can't be too careful, he reasons, in not provoking him further. So she sticks to just an emergency light, and opts to commit as many traffic violations as possible on the way there.

  • [The main female character is staring down the aforementioned superhero in a confined space. Nothing to protect her.]

    Kate is all too aware that there's nothing to protect her, here in the interrogation room. Even if she'd been allowed to enter with her weapon, the bullets would do as much good against Turner as they did against the Man in Black a few weeks ago. This man could turn her bones to powder, her insides to jelly.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lena Burrows / Nightstar
Role assigned to: kittyhatemachine

A struggling twenty-something superhero, suspected of accidentally killing a villain at the start of our third arc. She's beside herself with the idea that she might have done something like this, and the story's all about exploring that, while trying to pin down the truth of what happened. Lena is very sweet, very justice-minded. Honestly, she's practically a shonen protagonist, for you anime lovers out there! Very much about doing what's right and bringing smiles to other people. A bit of forced bravado, for the sake of other people. Prone to making hilariously bad puns while in costume. May show up in future episodes!

  • [Turning herself in at the start of episode 4-- shaken, holding back tears]

    My name is Lena. Lena Burrows. I... I'm sorry, but I think... I may have killed someone tonight.

  • [Convening with her lawyer, Megan Baxter. Reflecting on the night's events. Unsure.]

    I don't... I'm not entirely sure how it happened, I... he was down. He was hurt, but he was okay. But then... when I looked out the window again, there was... there was so much blood, Ms. Baxter. I've never seen... so much blood before. I don't know what I did. I don't understand... I was so careful!

  • [Arguing with Kate in interrogation- defending her actions as a superhero. Both regretful and angry.]

    Do you know how many people he's hurt? I was trying to stop him! I was trying to save people, Detective. Where were you, huh? What's your excuse? I... even if I messed up... at least I was trying to do the right thing, wasn't I? Doesn't that mean anything to you?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Bagman
Role assigned to: Derek Urichich

A masked killer roaming the city parks at night. Seemingly killed by mistake by Nightstar-- though it quickly becomes clear that there's more to the story! Bagman's the clear villain of arc three, and he's an opportunity for an actor to really cut loose, get zany, wild-- dip into pure, uncaring, unflinching evil. He's a true sadist, delighting in hurting other people. He finds human misery entertaining, and he uses his weird, dark powers to spread as much of it as possible. This is real agent of chaos stuff, and we may see him again in the future. Channel your inner joker, your Hannibal Lecter-- go for the most wicked serial killer you can imagine and have a blast!

  • [Engaging with the Man in Black, trying to figure him out, goading him more than a little]

    You're just like me, aren't you? Don't tell me you don't delight in their suffering. Do you think we're different because your victims are capes? Is that it? At the end of these long, blood-drenched nights-- aren't we both wearing terrible grins under our masks? Don't worry-- I won't judge you. You can tell me. I know what you really are-- and I think you're beautiful.

  • [Monologuing to Kate, threatening her with his trademark knife, chewing the hell out of the scenery.]

    Do you know what sort of world I see when I close my eyes, Detective? It's perfect, let me tell you. In the world I see behind my own eyes, there's nothing holding us back from what we were always meant to be. Everyone-- everywhere-- every single man, woman, and child... is free to be their most real, most true, most beautiful disgusting self. But you'll see it for yourself, soon enough. I can take you there. I can show you what it's like. How truly perfect it is. Then... then, you'll understand...

  • [Cornering Jack Dobson in the Caliburn offices, trying to get to Lena, realizing Jack isn't remotely impressed or intimidated by him]

    There's something inside you, isn't there? Something cold and dark and delicious. What's your secret, brown eyes? Tell me, won't you?

    [Breaking composure, descending into unshackled rage]
    Tell me tell me tell me---! TELL ME--! WHY AREN'T YOU AFRAID? YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE AFRAID!


Public Submissions

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