An Audible Authentic Czechoslovakian women knowing little English

An Audible Authentic Czechoslovakian women knowing little English

Project Overview

This Project voices two Czechoslovakian women. Jarta is in her early 20s, while Marta is 38 years old.

Marta will have two separate voice types: A phone voice and an in-person voice. Her character is more of a servant, although she has many roles at the well-respected Libation Wines. Although she is professional, Clay observes she has a strong sexual appetite, which sends a red flag to Clay.

Jarka, a woman in her early twenties, is a young, dedicated wine producer who goes above and beyond. She gives her newly arrived American guest a detailed tour.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Czech Women: Role #1 (Marta) Role Role #2: Marta Phone Voice Role 3 : Jarka
Paid: Hourly 22 USD
Role assigned to: Kat Leroy
  • czech
  • english
Voice description:
  • audiobook
  • female adult
Other info:
  • czech
  • (Marta, aged 38, phone voice)“Popíjení Vína! Pro veřejnost máme zavřeno až do rána a . . . " “I said, um, ‘Libation wines. We closed to the public until morning’ and you rude when I give spiel—no harm doing. We closed. Telephone when we open.”

  • Marta Aged 38 (, “Mister Moravec like sparing you upset of hotel with light-fingered staff. They get profit from local black market. You stay in guest suite here - a reserve for visiting dignitaries, yes?”

  • (Jarka, a Czech voice in early 20's) “Pleasure meet you, sir. I am Jarka Lanik. Winery operations at our urban winery near here is my job. I cannot stay long, but I wanted to welcome you. Such a joy to have fresh - visitor.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Czechoslovakian women speaking English Voice Actresses
  • *Say something you think would fit*