Alyssa Vernal and the lost Treasure

Alyssa Vernal and the lost Treasure

Project Overview


A twelve-year-old ordinary girl named Alyssa Vernal. She lives in Britain and has been called to the Queen's Castle. She finds out she's a lost princess and now she and her lost princess friends have to find the Queen's crown. As soon as they find it they have realized it has been stolen. They found out soon enough who stole it.

(This is the book btw

Note: Auditioning for this isn't necessary. I was just testing something when I made this project. However, I'm not forcing you to not audition. I might change my mind and turn this into an actual voice acting project, that's why I got ready and made the first role. I put the plot there for you all the understand the story. Thanks again, and have a nice day!

If any of you wanna contact me, my Discord is Alphaduck#3776

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice actor for Alyssa Vernal
Role assigned to: izzicox Amilaa

She should have an average voice and it is british. 

  • Oh, is that so? Well, I guess I could do that. 


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