Aiko's Adventure! (Take 2/Looking for VAs!)

Project Overview


*This is take 2 for more characters that are open! They are ready to be cast for our project! The Halloween, video is out if u want a taste of the project!

Hello there! This passion HORROR story is an inspiration by Walten Files, Welcome Home, and Andy's Apple Farms! Welcome to the lost tale of "Aiko's Adventure"! There are many hidden lores/tapes in these lovely and colorful characters! This chapter will introduce the Main Characters, Aiko and Popi! And of course, their friends who live in the small city of Kluoo Town!

Are you ready to join this horror/mystery project? Here is what we are looking for!

  • MUST BE 17+ OLDER!

  • People who want to give this a try and have fun! (I am not fully gonna judge you on how well your mic is, I just wanna hear what you can do with your amazing voice!) 

  • This is an unpaid role! (However! If things go well and I get enough money, I will start paying!)

  • Have fun!

  • You are welcome to try any roles! Even if you wanna do more than one, go right ahead!

If you have any questions, do reach out to me! 

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    Hi hi! this is sudden but we re-open this for characters we are looking for va! Good luck to all!

    we also push it another two months for people to give it a try! have fun~!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ColeCzos

Aiko's oldest brother:

Dale, the oldest of five siblings, is the most serious, calm, and collected of his brothers. He is not the type to talk unless necessary and is never present because he is away to work on his missions or tasks. He gets upset quickly if things don't go his way, but he keeps it to himself. In addition to not seeing his siblings for some time, he still leaves them messages and letters when he is away. There are some things that his brothers don't know what he's doing.

Dale has a deep male tone. You are welcome to give him an accent! 

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "Hm? What do you want...? If you came here to chat with me then you are wasting your time. I don't have time to chat, I have stuff to do. So if you excuse me, I got stuff to finish. (annoyed and sighed) ...My name? Fine. It's Dale. Now leave me alone."

  • "...Aiko? Have you been crying? (he pauses a bit) Oh, I see. You know. You don't have to keep trying to impress them all... You are already doing so much so I don't see why you have to go beyond just to get them to improve. You are already doing great, brother... I know I don't say this much, but I am proud of you... You're doing better than me. Just keep being you, Aiko."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SpringXy

Art by: Shieldgirl0813

Bio and Personality: They have a calm and gentle nature. Both sweet and understanding and often to be a tease (in a playful manner) when she's alone with their husband, Angel. He loves to knit, clothes, scarfs, you name it! (For sexuality: Maddie is Demisexual) Rumor has it that the eyes on their wings can move and can see for Maddie. But that's just a rumor...Right? 

-Maddie is genderfluid!

Maddie has a gentle boy-ish/ medium-high ish voice OR  gentle girl-ish/ medium-high ish voice

Voice description:
  • Genderfluid
  • male adult
  • female adult
  • "(Humming to themselves) Oh? Oh, greeting there...! Is there something you are looking for...? Ooohhh, you are looking for my husband, Angel? (chuckles) Why yes, Angel is my husband. I am Maddie. Nice to meet you. Anywhos, Angel is in his office upstairs. I can take you to him if you like. (Giggles) Wonderful. Let's get going."

  • "Ah, why hello there Melody, care for some teas? (giggles) Ah lovely~ Please do have a seat... Now that you are here, there is something I want to talk about. I think you know it too. I hope you have the night off, cause this is gonna be a long night for you and me. I just pray that we can stop that thing before it hurts Aiko... He doesn't deserve it..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

(Bingo's brother) The oldest out of the 5, Pozo is the outgoing, strong, and determined brother! Each brother trusts him to find the bright side in any situation, and to have a friendly word of encouragement should they feel down. He'll always keep his friends and brothers going, no matter what. This demon dog is always ready to listen if you need someone to talk to!

Pozo voice can be an male tone! Which it means I am not picky/looking for a tone! just surprise me and u are welcome to give an accent to him!

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "(Laughed) Hi, hi, hi there~! What's the matter, friend? Something on your mind? Well, I am here to listen. The name's Pozo! Just a friendly demon dog that wanna help whatever he can! So, do tell me. What's going on? What can this demon dog do for you? I promise I will do my best!"

  • "(He sighed) Bingo. I know you and Kojo have some hiccups, but you still gotta remember that he is still there for you. Sure, he can sometimes let his ego get the better of him, but he still cares! (Chuckles) I mean, we all got our hiccups with each other but in the end, we all still love and care for one another! Just give him a chance, okay? I am sure you both can work it out!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: JoshBot_Red

(Bingo's brother) The second youngest out of 5, Tuvi is the calm, collective, and patient brother. He mostly spends his time crafting anything that comes to mind, he is always ready to chat if asked! Besides his brother, he is more slow but doesn't mind it. Always ready to put his talents to use and then say, "What's next?"

Tuvi has a semi-deepish male tone. You are welcome to give him an accent if u like! 

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "Hm? Oh. Hello there. (he yawns) I didn't expect you there... Huh? Oh, what am I doing? I had just finished crafting this prop weapon for a customer of mine. Don't worry, it's fake even if it looks real. Oh, almost forgot to introduce myself. I am Tuvi. Bingo probably mentions me... Eh? He didn't? Huh. That kinda stinks but I'll get over it."

  • "(huffed) You know, I get that you don't like talking about us Bingo but I would appreciate it if you just even tell your friends about us. I get that you're upset but you shouldn't take it out on us, your flesh and blood... (sighed once more) Bingo, how about you and I just grab something to drink? I have a feeling you need someone to talk to."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: MysticalOkami

(Bingo's brother) Samuel, or Sam for short. The youngest out of 5, Sam is unafraid to take risks where the brother might not. Sam is the demon dog everyone needs to maintain their energy and enthusiasm. While sometimes loud or impatient, he'll always stay beside his friends or brothers, even if it means slowing up once in a while to keep up with their pace. This demon dog is always up to something!

Samuel has a semi-high(ish) male tone or has a nutrual hyper tone! You are welcome to give him a accent! 

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "And gotcha! (He giggles) Haha! I got ya~! Boy little one, you could have got yourself hurt if I've missed! Well, you should be more careful. How about instead of climbing on the tree, let's play a game! I have many ideas on how to get rid of your boredom! Oh yeah, I am Samural but you can call me Sam for short~! Well, come on! Let's get going! Last one there is a rotten egg!"

  • "Alright! Listen up, friend! (clear his voice) I know things might be hard, but you always gotta keep moving forward! No matter what! I know things may be hard, but you gotta stand tall and keep marching forward! (chuckles) Just never give up~!! Hahaha!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Lanna Rose


She is Ash's best friend and is also a main rival to Aiko and Popi! Though, they aren't rude or harsh like Ash. They are just along the ride. But does calm Ash down when he gets upset. 

For Naomi, they are genderfluid! So it means all genders are welcome to voice them! 

Naomi has a soft yet gentle tone when they speak, they can have a high-ish female voice, neutral female or male voice, or a higher male voice! Go ahead! Have fun!

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Genderfluid
  • male adult
  • "(Waves) Hi hi. (They pauses) Me? I'm Naomi. Oh, don't mind Ash. He just being silly. (They giggles) Well, I will see you around then. Perhaps we'll get to talk more once Ash and Aiko are done arguing."

  • "(It seem they are not themself. Like if they are like rambling and such) Time is ticking... Time is ticking... (They than sounds serious but calm) She is calling for you... She is crying... She wants to be free. They all want to be free... Set them free... (They pauses as if they has forgotten what they said as they are calmed) hm? What? Is there something on my face? No? Oh. Okay. Well, I'll see you later than a friend. Come back anytime. (They giggles) goodbye."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Malie: A tomboy professional boxer, she mostly keeps things to herself and doesn't like talking to others unless her brother, Levi, is around or encourages her to chat with the town people! Always ready to train, but outside of boxing, she mostly spends time with her brother or plays her guitar. She secretly dreams to be a rockstar and have a band one day.

She has a Russian accent! Her tone is neutral female! Have fun! 

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • russian
  • russian english
  • "(sighed) I know you are looking at me, green boy. Listen, I know my brother wants you to talk to me but I will say this. I don't need you to talk to me cause my brother says so. It's fine, I really ain't the type to chat. Just know I am Malie. I'm a professional boxer. Well. Used too. Now leave me be. I got some training to do."

  • "(a bit annoyed) Levi. Why are we still here? I know you wanted to help Nina with this whole "medical" stuff, but I don't know why you and I had to move to this town... Eh? Why I am upset about this? It's just...! Do you think something is OFF about this town? Like-! (She huffed) Like don't you think something is watching us? Like..! (she paused, then finally calmed down. Sighing heavily.) Sorry. I didn't mean to get upset. Is just. There's a lot on my mind... I think I am going back to training. If you need me, you know where to find me."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Levi: A gentle kind professional doctor. He moved to the town with his sister after he finished schooling. His good friend Nina told him about how she was the only nurse in the town she was living in. He decided to use his doctor to help Nina out! Until his sister, he is very outgoing and caring. He loves to talk and if you wanna chat, Levi would love to have a nice sit and can talk for hours! Levi does hope he can help his sister step out of her little buddle and open up more!

Levi has a Russian accent! His voice is a semi-deep tone!  

Voice description:
  • russian
  • male adult
  • russian english
  • "(He giggles) why hello there, it's nice to meet ya~! (chucked) I know I am new here, but I am the doctor for this town now~! I'm Levi, pleased to meet you! If you have anything you want to know about me, go right ahead! I would be happy to chat! Well, I am here if need anything again~!"

  • "Oh come on dear sister. I know you don't like moving away from our homeland but you gotta know that it's okay to feel this way. Besides, it's always good to be around some new environments and new people~! (he laughs) Comeee onnnn, so talk to the town people! I promise you won't regret it~! Just.. Try not to like... You know. Break their arm or something... What? I am not wrong! You still gotta work on your socializing with people."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jen


Once an artist for Aiko's Adventure. Now a fallen spirit that grew into madness, trapped alongside the others who were unlucky. DESPAIR finds everyone guilty and wants to find the one who is responsible for this hell. Sometimes rumors say you can hear her cries in the night.

She is welcome any tone! You are also welcome to use effects if u want too! Have fun!

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • "You know what you've done... You can't hide forever... You are... GUILTY... GUILTY.... (the voice gets angry and sounds like she is crying) GUILTY! You put me through this....! What the FUCK did I do to deserve this!? This is UNFAIR. I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SUFFER YOU FUCKING MONSTER...!!"

  • "(the soft crying noises) Oh Kleo.... My dear friend... Why did this have to happen? What did we all do...? I don't... I don't understand... I just... I just wanna go home... I just wanna go back home... Please... Am I... Forever stuck in this hell...? (more soft crying) ...I miss my family... This is unfair... So... Unfair..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Vincent


Once a writer/storyboard worker for Aiko's Adventure. Now can remember what he looks like or what he used to be. Filled with rage and wants revenge. This fallen spirit wants to tear Aiko and his friends apart. Mistaking them as if they were responsible for his death and the pain he is going through. 

He can be voiced in any tone! You are welcome to add effects if you like! Go wild and have fun!

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "You... You... (sounds of him trying to breathe. Like Struggling to breathe.) I know you... You are... Aiko... I know... You... You... I see now... I... (feeling angry as the struggles of breathing kinda stop due to rage) All of you are at fault...! You did this to not me, but to EVERYONE who dedicated their life to you and your stupid show...! I trusted you. ALL OF YOU. Now I am going to make sure you all die, BY MY OWN FUCKING HANDS."

  • "Where...? Where is she? Where where where WHERE WHERE IS SHE!? AUGH!!! (he coughs a bit, trying to calm himself down) ....You're enjoying this are you...? You make me fucking sick. Are you enjoying us being together, don't you? He was right about you. You make me fucking sick...!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: DiamondWarrior


Once a worker who was in charge with many stuff for Aiko's Adventure. Now a bodyless spirit. FALLEN can remember their face. Feel the urge of hunger and want to find something. Forever trapped and hidden in the darkness. Feeling the urge to eat anything or anyone...

They can be voiced in any tone! You are welcome to add effects if you like! Go wild and have fun!

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • female adult
  • nonbinary
  • "I am... So hungry... Hungry... Let me... Take a bite. I need it. I didn't... I didn't mean to... I ate them all... Yet, I am so hungry. Let me eat. Please please, please. Let me take a bite, I promise it won't hurt..."

  • "I don't remember.... Who I am anymore... Where am I...? What is going on...? Will you... Help me? I can see youuuuu... Please... Help me... Help me remember who I am..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite


UNKNOWN THINGS ABOUT THIS, but let's say that they used to be a character before they got scrapped/forgotten. 

they can be voiced in any tone! You are welcome to add effects if you like! Go wild and have fun!

Voice description:
  • nonbinary
  • male adult
  • female adult
  • "1...2... Better lock your door... 3...4... Start praying.... 5... 6... Because we are playing hide and seek... 7...8... Ready or not... 9... 10... Here. I. Come."

  • "(whispering) Time is ticking. Time is ticking... You are running out of time... Find the truth... Find the truth... That is the key, to set them all free. Find it... Find it.(the voices is a bit louder) You don't want them to die, do you...? I know you wanna save them... So. Find it. Find it Aiko... (giggles) FIND IT."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: PolyNode

Melody is a trans-woman that owns a bar/show in the town! She is close to Arthur and Frey! She is very gentle and patient. She always loves to sing and entertain people! 

*She has a neutral male tone! You are welcome to give her an accent or mess around with the tone to see if it fits her! 

PS. If you can sing, that is a big bonus for Melody cause she is a singer!  

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • warm
  • Soft
  • "(Giggles) My, my~! It's good to see you! I didn't expect to meet a new friend in this town! I am Melody, I own the Starlight Bar right down the street. Say, do you sing? Dance? Maybe like seeing a good show? Well if you do, then you should come by~! I promise you won't regret it~!"

  • "(Gasp) Oh my god! Aiko, are you alright? How did you even get yourself up there?? You know what, nevermind darling. Let us get you to Nina, I am sure she can help you out! (picks him up) No, no. Don't try to talk your way out of this one, young man. Just rest, okay?"

  • (BONUS) (If you can sing! You are welcome to sing something! Covers or whatever! whatever you are comfortable with!)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Monomi

Dexo is a DJ alongside her best friend, DJ T! She is mostly quiet and too shy, unlike DJ T who is more talkable and welcome! Dexo mostly enjoys any kind of music or spends it with her partner. However, she does speak once she opens up more!

*Dexo has a soft female voice. You are welcome to give her an accent or change the tone! Go wild and have fun! 

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • "(A little shy/nervous) Oh... Um... Hi...? (she clear her throat) S-Sorry. I am not really good with... Ya know. Talking to people. However, I don't mind saying hello. Or whatever people say when they greet people.... Um, anyways. I am Dexo. It's nice to meet you. What can I do for you...?"

  • "(Chuckled a bit) You know... You aren't too bad. You got the talent. What? I am not saying that just becuase I am being nice. It's true. You really do got the talent. Just... Don't lose it, okay?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Cherrylemondrop97

Rosie is one of the teachers alongside Jude and the others! She mostly teaches children about nature and gardens! She is mostly tired 24/7 but she still finds the energy to greet everyone!

Rosie has a low-ish female tone. You are welcome to give her accents, though! Go wild and have fun! 

  • "Oh, Greeting there new face! I haven’t seen you around! Oh! Are you a friend of Aiko? Well, any friend of Aiko is a friend of mine.(giggles) I am Rosie. I am a teacher at Children Creativity. You probably already know. Well... If you have any question, please let me know. I will be happy to answer you."

  • "(Sighed) Oh dear. It seems things are getting worse, Jude... (She sadly giggles) I am not stupid, Jude. I know strange things have been happening in the town after... (Sighed again) Nevermind. Just... Just forget what I just said. Goodnight Jude."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: TaroMarrow

Angel is a guardian angel. He is very calm and collected as he works side with Caspian in the library! He also is the Mayor's right-hand man, making sure things go right and taking care of the dirty work.

Angel has a neutral male tone. You are welcome to give him an accent! And you are also welcome to change his tone if you like! Go wild and have fun! 

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "Ah, hello there. Here let me help you up. (helps up someone) There we go. You should be more careful around your surroundings, little one. (He chuckled) Oh? Who am I? I am Angel. Just your friendly guardian angel. If you excuse me, I have to go visit an old friend of mine. Take care and stay safe. Good day."

  • "(chuckled) I know you worried too much, my old friend. Don't worry. Let me take care of this. I know what I need to do, and beside. It's been awhile since I've use my power... (slowly chuckled)"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: GoblinmuncherVA

A friendly and hard-working country caterpillar man who is ready to help out his friends! With his extra arms, he can fix anything that needs to be fixed! He is outgoing, friendly, and loves to talk. A lot. 

*He has a southern accent! His tone is a semi-netural male voice! 

Voice description:
  • american (southern)
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • "(humming to himself a bit) Annnndddd done! Phew! That was a lot of hard work. (he chuckled) Boy, I hope Ma and my brothers doing okay while I am away... Well, time to pack things up, head home, and- H-Huh? Oh! Why hey! I didn't see ya there, friend! What can I do for ya? Need me to fix anything? Just say the word and I can get right to it! (he laughs)"

  • "(Nervous) Wh-what?? Me? Hiding something? Why i-i would never hide something from you, Melody! (He laughed nervously) A-Anyways, let's just keep going okay? I do wanna show you something!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: JoshBot_Red

Your friendly courier is here~! Pit is outgoing and always has a smile on his face! He loves greeting everyone that he passes by! He always takes his work seriously but after work. He mostly spends his time going to the bar to get drunk(lol) or hang out with Melody! 

All genders are welcome to voice Pit if they want to give him a try! 

*Pit has a high-pitched male voice or a tomboy-ish voice! You are welcome to give him an accent! Just go wild and have fun!

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • male young adult
  • "Oh hello there~! I am Pit! I haven't seen you around before! Are you new here? It's nice to meet you~! Please enjoy your stay and hope to see you more around~! (He laugh) Oh shoots! I do better get going! I got mails to send! Bye-Bye!"

  • "Huh? Are you asking me what I do beside work...? (He laugh nervously) Uhh... Welllll.... Hehe... It's kinda complicated. Umm... How about we focus on soemthing else? Like- Oh! How about you join me on a delivery? There's some amazing scenery along the way!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Kouno

ERROR is something or someone in the story. ERROR is a lost soul alongside others and it seems it is holding a grudge. 

ERROR is welcome to be anyone! If you can add some effects as a bonus it would be awesome! The team and I wanna see what people can show and share! You are welcome to change the tone, use effects, and many more! go nuts! have fun! 

  • " You know you want things to be back the way it was. How were the good old days when you can do many things… Go on adventures, help your friends, see people you love… Ah… The memories… Isn’t that right…? Aiko…?"

  • "You took EVERYTHING away from me. So now I am going to make sure you suffer. Every. Single. Day. For. The. Rest. Of. Your. LIFE."

  • "…I see you. I know you are watching this… You may be wondering what is going on. (it laughs) Well… That is too soon. But maybe you will be too stupid enough to keep digging into the truth huh? Well… Don’t say I haven’t warned you if something comes after you NEXT. It always does. All thanks to this stupid peace of shit..!!"


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