Aiko's Adventure!(Horror Mystery series)

Project Overview

WARNING!! THIS IS A HORROR/MYSTREY PROJECT! THERE WILL BE GORE, HORROR, AND SENSITIVE STUFF IN THIS STORY! I'd like you to please be sure to be careful before starting.

*Wanna be in an ongoing indie project? We have these characters that are ready to be cast for our project! Check out the videos we have out so far to get a taste and an idea of the project!

Hello there! This passion HORROR story is inspired by Walten Files, Welcome Home, and Andy's Apple Farms!

Welcome to the lost tale of "Aiko's Adventure"! There are many hidden lores/tapes in these lovely and colorful characters! This chapter will introduce the Main Characters, Aiko and Popi! And of course, their friends who live in the small city of Kluoo Town!

Are you ready to join this horror/mystery project? Here is what we are looking for!

  • MUST BE 17+ OLDER!

  • People who want to give this a try and have fun! (I am not fully gonna judge you on how well your mic is, I just wanna hear what you can do with your amazing voice!) 

  • This is an unpaid role! (However! If things go well and I get enough money, I will start paying!)

  • Just remember to Have fun!

  • You are welcome to try any roles! Even if you wanna do more than one, go right ahead!

If you have any questions, do reach out to me! 

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    SORRY FOR THIS RANDOM MESSSAGE, my brain is terrible but this will be the first and last update!

    Added new characters!


Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Gynlo is an friendly tall man who owns a groceries store called "Sweet Dreamsa" which he mostly makes any kind of food or sweets for the town! With the help of his beloved partner, Pinky. They can get the job done and always satisfy their customers! Gynlo is a very welcoming and friendly alien! 

He has a semi-high-pitched male voice! 

Voice description:
  • trans
  • male adult
  • "(Laughs) Why hello, hello there! It is very nice to meet you~! Aiko told me about you and I am happy to have you here! I am Gynlo, the owner of this lovely store! If you need anything, please let me know! I am happy to help with whatever~!"

  • "W-Woah! Pinky! (Catch Pinky before she fell) Gotcha! Phew! Heh, that was way too close! You gotta be more careful hun~! I don't want you to hurt yourself! (Small pause) Hm? Oh! Hello Aiko and Popi! I'm happy to see you here, is there something we can help you with? (Pause) Huh? Come back later...? Why would you- (notice with him and Pinky as he was a bit embarrassed) Oh no no! It is a big misunderstanding!! I-I swear! (he laughs nervously) O-Oh goodness..."

  • "(Worried) Why...? Why does it feel like something is watching us...? Am I...? Going crazy? (He tries to ignore the feeling) Ngh... No no no, you're fine Gynlo! J-Just your mind messing with you, just stay calm... Deep breath... You're fine. You're gonna be okay."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Pinky is a very shy and clumsy woman, she sometimes find herself falling onto the floor or dropping something! But she always gets herself back up and tries again! Stairs are her weakness. (She always falls-) but she is very kind and welcoming, she loves to bake sweets alongside her partner, Gynlo! 

Pinky has a high caring woman pitch!

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • "(Trying to put stuff away) mmm! Almost, almost... There! Ah ha! I got it! Just need to move down from the ladder and- woah woah WOAH! (She falls backward but she got catch by Aiko them) O-Oh...! Aiko! Popi! A-Ah...! I-I didn't expect you guys to be here...!she giggles nervously) Th-Thank you very much...! I-I need to be more careful."

  • "(Giggles) I know that things might be tough! But just know that you're doing great! I-I may be clumsy and sometimes drops thing, but you gotta get back up and tell yourself that you're gonna do the best you can...!"

  • "(Very scared) Aiko...? A-Aiko? What's wrong...? You're shaking and- A-Ah...! (She comfort him from having a panic attack) H-Hey, hey, hey! Shhhh..! Shhhhh! It's okay! J-Just keep holding onto me! J-Just... Just take a deep breath... You're gonna be okay. Just remember you're never alone... It's gonna be okay... Shhh... Shhh.... Deep breath, Aiko... (She whispers as she comfort) its gonna be okay..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Character and the design belongs to FabySaturn! (Co-Director)

Leonardo takes pride in his art, very passionate about it. He loves to show it off and inspire others to love the world of art~! He's flamboyant, and merry/joyful 

His voice is mid-high (he is bilingual- Speaking both English and Spanish)

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "Oh! Why hello there little adventure~! I didn't see you there! (He chuckled) I am Leonardo, Leonardo the lion! I am just the owner of this wonderful museum called "Colors of Art"~! (he giggles) You might already met my best friend, Pua! She may look serious at times but I promise you that she is a sweetheart~! Say! If you have time little one, I will be happy to show you around the museum once you are free! Sounds like a plan~?"

  • "Ah! There you are, Aiko! (He chuckled) I do apologize if it is all sudden, but I do need your help~! You see. There is something I would like you to go get for me, here's the map! Honestly, I would go and get it myself, but my younger brother and I have some business to do! Please do be safe on your travel~!"

  • "(Worried) My words, what is up with Pua today...? She seems a bit... Out of it... I haven't seen her like this since we were little kids. (Pause) Aiko? Do you mind checking up on her? I think she needs someone to talk to. Just, please, be gentle with her. She can be emotional when she is not doing great. (He sighed in relief) Thank you, my dear friend... Thank you."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Character and design made by FabySaturn!

So Pua is very soft spoken, and is seen as serious- but in reality, she's very bubbly- Just too shy to show it. She also work alongside with her best friend, Leonardo! 

Her voice is around the low pitch, very soft and motherly like!

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • " Hm? (Notice) oh, hello there.. You must be Aiko and Popi~ (Notice their new friend) And I see you brought your adventure buddy here today~ (mini-pause) My name is Pua, a pleasure to meet you. If you have any questions, let me know.. I'll be happy to help."

  • "(Sighs) Leonardo... He can be too much sometimes. (Mini Pause) Dont get me wrong, He is my best friend and i'm still happy to have him around, but he sometimes can be forgetful. Drives me insane.. (Pause) Though, he does know how to make me laugh.. (giggles softly)"

  • "(Worried) Leo? What's wrong? You look like you seen a ghost or something. Are you okay...? (Pause before sounding more worried and soft-spoken) ..You sure? You know you can talk to me if there is something on your mind... I'm here for you."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Character and design made by FabySaturn!

And Scruffy is very very chill- A laidback and friendly doggo who loves to fish and ride on his rubber ducky boat (It's literally a big rubber ducky lol)

He literally sounds like Big the Cat from Sonic Just more relaxed and soft-spoken like his little sister Artsy! x3

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • " (humming to himself) Hi there! I see you are enjoying a nice day with the fishes! Woof~! (Chuckled) Be careful, I don't want to accidentally hurt you while I'm fishing- Woof! (Pause) Oh! (chuckles) silly me, I forgot to introduce myself: The name's Scruffy, just your local fisher dog! If you want any fresh fish, let me know! Woof!"

  • " Woof woof! Hello there! Good seeing you, Aiko! What can I do for ya? Woof woof! Oh? Artsy? Ah, yes- My sister! How is she doing? Is she here? Woof woof! (Chuckles) well, if you do see her. Tell her to stop by and visit! I wanna see my sweet little sis~! Woof woof!"

  • " (worried) Woof...? Why are you staring at me like that little one...? Is there something wrong? (Pause, getting more nervous) Hheyyyy... Umm... I don't like that you're not saying anything... What's wrong? (mini-pause) W-Woof...?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shiro Neon

An inspired graffiti artist who is the oldest brother to Cherry and Pinky. This lay-back but sometimes cocky man mostly spends his time with Aiko's twin brother, Ash, or sometimes gets himself into trouble with the law.  When Shiro isn't getting into trouble or messing with Aiko and his friends, he mostly spends time with his siblings or with his lover, Amelia. He has a big softie for his siblings and his girlfriend.  

Shiro Neon has a male voice! (any tone or accents are welcome!)

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "(Calmed) Hm...? Oh? Why hello there, little dude. (He chuckled) What? Did Aiko and them forget you here? Tsk, tsk. That little bro always seems to get himself into those crazy adventures that make it hard to keep up. Well, since you're here, I guess you can hang out with me until Aiko comes back to get you. (Pause) My name is Shiro Neon, but just call me Shiro. You caught me at the right time, I'm about to make some art ~! Say, wanna make some art together, little dude? Heh, sweet."

  • "(Cocky and messing around) Tsk, tsk, tsk. (He chuckles) Aiko, my little bro. You know better than to just run off and leave ya little friend behind. (He smirk) I know you wanna show them everything you have in store but how about you let ME take over~? (Pause, then laugh as he is getting a bit cocky) Oh, I am serious, I bet I can make your little friend have more fun with me than you! (Pause) Ohhhh, is that a bet? Think you can beat me? Heh, alright then.! (Pause) Bring it on, Aiko."

  • "(Concerned) What the....? What the hell is going on here?? (Confuse but trying to stay calm) Okayyy, this is just getting weirder and weirder every day and- (quiet) ...I see now, this isn't part of the show. Tsk. (Gets annoyed and ready to fight) Listen here you son of a bitch. Do you think you can just come here and attack Aiko? Then you so fucking wrong. I'm going to make sure you won't hurt ANYONE that I care so much!!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

A nonbinary bombhead head who is Pinky's second older sibling! They are filled with energy and are very VERY hyper! This sweet tooth owns a candy store and has all kinds of sweets and candies for the townspeople! Cherry loves talking, like a lot. Sometimes can talk way too much but they love meeting new people! They do suddenly pass out in the middle of something due to having "Candy Crash"! 

 Cherry has a neutral/semi-highish woman or male voice! Everyone is welcome to voice this silly character!

Voice description:
  • nonbinary
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • "(Filled with energy/laughing) Here come the WREAKKINGG BALLL~!(Laughing) Annndddd that’s how you make an entrance~! (Small pause) Why hello, hello, HEELLOOOO~! It's nice to meet you, Aiko! (Starts speaking a bit faster) I see you're here to ask what kind of sweet you are looking for, yes yes~? Well you've come to the right place and- (pause) ...Oh! (calming down a bit but still filled with energy) Why hello there new face! It is so super duper nice to meet you! I am Cherry~! The owner of "Wonderland Sweets~!" I have everything you need if you are looking for something good and sweet, sweet, SWEET~! (laughs more)"

  • "(Disgusted and gross out) Ugh! What- What is this??? Oh no no no! This Is all WRONG! (a fake sob) Who would in their mind do such a horrible thing to all these wonderful sweet desserts?? OH! The agony! (Faking sobbing until they snap out of it) No! Focus Cherry! You just keep your head up high! (Took a deep breath and exhales) Okay! (Small pause) Come now, my friend! We got some stuff to do!! The party must have sweets, so we are gonna give it to them~!"

  • "(Worried) H-Huh?? P-Pinky?? Pinky, pinky! Hey hey hey! Shhhh! ShhhhHHh! (comforting their sister) Hey, hey, hey... Hey... Breathe. Breathe Pinky. I-I don't know what happened but I'm here little sis. You are gonna be okay! I-I promise! I will stay by your side until you feel better...! Shhhhh, it's okay... Just let it all out. I'm here, sister... I promise..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

An outgoing, friendly tomboy who loves to dance. Edith always wanted to become a dancer just like her sister! With Lyo by her side, they became amazing dance partners! (With of course, Tamara by their side) Even though they might lose some couple dance competitions; Edith always thrives on doing better by practicing, never giving up! 

 Edith has a neutral female voice! Any accent is welcome!

Voice description:
  • tomboy
  • female adult
  • "Yo, yo, yo~! What's up Aiko~? (Laughs) It's so good to see you here again, and I see you brought a friend! Sup there, little dude~! I'm Edith, just your friendly dancer~! Say, wanna dance with me sometime~?"

  • "Oh come onnnnnn, Lyo~! You gotta be more... Uhhh... Outgoing! Yeah- Outgoing~!! (Giggles) I know you take these practices a liiitle bit too seriously- BUT, you gotta remember: We're here to have fun~! Just try to be more relaxed and go with the flow, okay~?"

  • "(Worried) Something's wrong with Aiko... I don't know, but I have a "not so good vibe" from him... Like, he's seeing something that's making him uneasy... I'm actually worried for him... I really hope he is okay... Poor dude..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

A very serious and sometimes harsh man. He mostly spends his time with his two best friends or alone. Even though he is quiet or too serious, he loves to dance with Edith (and of course, he is soft and kind to Edith and Tarama).  He dreams of one day being a professional dancer just like his parents and making them proud.  

 He has a neutral male voice! Any accent is welcome!

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "(sighed) I am not here to talk, I am here to dance got it? Please move out of my way. I got some stuff to finish with Edith. (Mini pause then sounds a bit annoyed) It's Lyo, okay? That's my name. Now please leave me alone. You are distracting me."

  • "(A bit gentle with his tone, like he is kind.) Tamara... Your crafts are wonderful. Those punks don't know what they are talking about. (Sighs) I mean... I like them cause they are as pretty as you... (he clears his throat) Uhh, j-just keep doing what you're doing...! G-Got to go now...!"

  • "Why does it feel like this is all a game...? Huh... So odd... Maybe that green-haired dude might know something that we all don't know. Whatever it is. I will find out. I always do."


Am looking for someone who specializes in cutesy, child-like, cartoony music! Both fast tempo and slow! Show me what u got!

  • *Say something you think would fit*


Public Submissions

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