Age of Darkness (The Sims 4 Machinima Series)

Project Overview

Genre: Fantasy, Drama
Synopsis: 37 years ago, the 3 main communities of Eastbourn - the Witch Coven, the Vampire Community and the Humans - made peace after a deadly war. Now, that peace is in jeopardy when two witches are found murdered and the suspect is a vampire. Can the communities put aside their differencies or will there be another war?

Only audition if you are:
- committed (the first season consists of 13 episodes and recasting roles is a pain in the a** :D);
- in possession of a good quality micrphone;
- able to put emotions into your lines;
- fine with sensitive topics such as domestic abuse, death, gore
- able to meet the deadlines
The most important thing for anyone who becomes a part of this show is to have a lot of fun! :)

The series will cover several mature themes (sex, violence, gore, death, abuse), please be advised!

A little explanation ahead of the characters:

The 3 ruling communities are:
- Humans (leader: the mayor, Reginald Simmons V.)
- Vampires (leader/king: Sheamus Tyson)
- Witch Coven (leader: Zelda Blackburn)
The Coven's smaller Sections:
* Windwitches (leader: Amaya Willow)
* Earthwitches (leader: Hermione Guston)
* Firewitches (leader: no leader, only 3 members left alive)
*Dark Witches (not present in Eastbourn since the Dark War)

Other communities:
- Mermaids: banished from the town
- Werewolves: extinct (thanks to Sheamus Tyson)

Details about each community:

Humans: I don't think there should be an explanation for this one :D

Vampires: They feed on humans, their bite is lethal to witches, werewolves, mermaids, their powers are superspeed, reading minds (only weakened minds, usually by a tramumatic experience), their appearance changes over time, their veins start showing a couple of years afetr turning, their skin becomes greyer by age but they don't actually age. The maker of the vampire species is Domunis, who's not really a person but rather a natural power, an entity. The vampires respect and fear Dominus, like some kind of god.

Witches overrall: They have magical powers. Their power's source is in their individual necklaces, except for the Dark witches, the source of their powers comes from below...hell. The dark Witches are also special because they were born differently from other Sections. They were created by demons who wanted to rule the world. The Witches stop aging at the age of 30 thanks to their well-known sacraficial ritual, the Grand Ritual which has to be held every 25 years and it involves sacraficing a person with unique genes (these special people are mostly humans, born exactly every 25 years). If, however, the Grand Ritual isn't held in time, they start aging again and if they don't manage to do it for a longer period of time, they expire.

Zelda: She is a unique witch because she has all the powers of Fire-, Wind- and Earthwitches. That's why she's their Leader.

Firewitches: Their signature colors are red, orange and yellow, their hair, eyes, and even clothing items are usually red-ish. They are more likely to be quick-tempered and aggresive. Their main power is fire but there are also spells they can learn during their lives. They are on verge of extinction and their main goal is to prevent that.

Windwitches: Their signature colors are white, grey and dark grey, their hair, eyes and clothing are mostly grey as well. They tend to be more back-stabbing and but are also more likely to be controllable. Their main power is controlling the wind, and the air basically. They can also learn spells. They are Zelda's "little favorites".

Earthwitches: Signature colors are green and brown, their hair, eyes are green or brown, too, and they tend to wear these colors as well with the addition of floral clothes. They are very calm and peaceful, their main goal is keeping conflicts and fights out of their lives and also the lives of everyone around them. Main power: They can make earthquakes and they control everything related to soil and plants. Spells are an opportunity for them too. They are strongly outcasted.

Dark Witches: Created by demons, they have no signature colors or main powers, they have the power of manipulation, mind-control and other powerful spells. Although they have no signature colors they tend to appear in black clothing, have entirely dark eyes and black hair, too. They were banished from Eastbourn during the Dark War 37 years prior to the beginning of the series.

Werewolves: They can switch their appearance between their wolf form and human form any time but the Full Moon has power over them. They are very violent, abusive and brutal beings, currently extinct. All of them were killed during the Dark War, by Sheamus Tyson and the vampire community. They're immune to the withces' powers.

Mermaids: They are the rulers of the seas, their powers come from the water and is control over just that. They usually have blue hair, eyes and clothing, also they can turn into human form for a limited amount of time but when time's up, they are dehydrated and die. They were banished from Eastbourn during the Dark War by the witches, mostly the Firewitches, as they, and their abilities to control water pose as a threat to them. They now live near Eastbourn, in the Small Green Sea. Their current leader is unknown.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zack Tanner
cast offsite

Zack is a 35-year-old human, the right hand of the mayor. He is known for doing the mayor's dirty work, sometimes putting his own life in danger. He is happily married and has two children (Rebekah and Leonard).
He's cery caring and protective of his family, they're basically sacred in his mind. After a childhood trauma he lost his capability to trust anyone until he met his wife, Sara, that's why their bond is so strong. He's very trust-worthy, loyal and dedicated, he will do anything to achieve what he was asked.Sometimes his dedication pays off but there are times he goes too far to help others and as selfless as he is, even risk his own well-being for them. His biggest flaw is not being able to balance his personal life and his work for the people of Eastbourn.

  • The  town needs I'll help.

  • You're my daughter and I love you! I will protect you no matter what comes our way, okay? 

  • (firm) Zelda Blackburn! Stop this madness right now!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lauren Atwood
Role assigned to: xHannahx

Lauren is a 20-something looking vampire, who's actually more than 60 years old. She is known for her recklessness, her bravery and her cleverness. She will have a major role in putting some pieces together throughout the series.  Her brother is the only family she has, so she really loves him but isn't a person of emotions. She often struggles to show how she feels and that leads to problems in her personal life. She does really good in making choices under pressure but those choices often turn out to be...well poor. An example for this is a mysterious act from her past that made her then best friend become her biggest hater. She always looks at the bigger picture which often leads to individuals getting hurt without her noticing or caring.

  • I lost far too many people to just give up now.

  • Hi, my name is Lauren Atwood. I need your help...and you need mine,too!

  • If you keep this up you're gonna get us all killed!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bridget Taylor
Role assigned to: Cascade Nerida

Bridget is a young adult witch, a fire witch to be exact. Her only goal in life is to provide the survival of the Firewitch Section, which is one of the four Witch Sections (others are Windwitches, Earthwitches, Dark Witches). She is determined to prevent her kind's extinction and is willing to give up everything she has to do so. She considers her life worthless because she's not able to have children with another Firewitch (as the only male alive is taken). She is very selfless and hot-headed, she always speaks up for herself and her friends, and she is very stubborn. If she decided to do A, no one will make her do B.

  • Don't even try to stop me, that would only be a waste of my time!

  • If I can't do this than I have nothing left to live for. So I have to be able to go through with this.

  • If our leader isn't capable of protecting her people then we have to do it ourselves! That's what I'm doing, keeping the future of the Firewitches safe. Even if it means risking my own...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Emmett Atwood
Role assigned to: Lewis Farrant

Emmett is a vampire, and Lauren's brother. He is very protective of his sister and does everything in his power to keep her safe. He is a kind gentleman, very considerate (except for when his love for Lauren makes him blind) and has good intensions, even though every now and then he breaks the rules to do what he thinks is right. He's supportive and has a heart of gold. He's aware of people being aware of his good qualities and in desperate times, he tends to use that to manipulate others. Also, Emmett always keeps his promises.

  • No matter where life takes you, I'll be right by your side.

  • You can't want this! Just think about the kind of person you'd become if you actually killed her...

  • Revenge has no power to bring the fallen back, therefore it has no place in anyone's life.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Miranda Lawson
Role assigned to: lmaoitsliz

Miranda's a vampire, who used to be the kindest person there ever was. She was a ray of sunshine. But that was only until her best friend did her wrong, resulting in her losing everything she held dear. Ever since then she became a loner, a manipulative woman, thirsty for revenge. Although she is still capable of putting her hatred aside for the greater good, her old self is fading away real fast and will be forever gone if she can't find a way to deal with her inner demons.

  • I will put a knife in her heart and watch her rotten soul slowly leave her lifeless body.

  • I don't want to be this person...but I don't think I can be anybody else anymore.

  • Sometimes I look in the mirror and I just think: It was her that got me here.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sara Tanner
cast offsite

Voice type: Soft voice

Sara is Zack's wife, a 32-year-old human, who has the purest hearted person ever. She is loving, caring, accepting towards everyone and has a goodness in her heart. She constantly tries to help others but has boundaries, she never goes too far to succeed, she rather tries to find another way. Sara is very protective of her children and is concerned for her husband's safety when he's away. She usually tries to avoid any conflict, she's very patient and calm but if someone messes with what she holds dear, she can be very upset and blow up. Sara's character has a very interesting twist, which I can't talk about as of yet. 

  • Be very careful, please...You're my everything!

  • Daddy's going to be home very soon, sweetie but until then, how about we watch a good old Disney film? The Lion King, perhaps?

  • (a bit angry but still in a soft voice) You should put your family first! But you just keep abandoning us for everyone else...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Reese Cooper
Role assigned to: xsammifayx

French knowledge is an advantage, since she uses spells that are in French.

Reese is another Firewitch, around 33 years old, who has the same goal as Bridget but a different approach. She thinks her friend's recklessness endangers their whole species. She tries to save the Firewitch Section by giving birth to Firewitch babies with her partner, Kenneth, the only male Firewitch. She relies on Bridget more than she likes to admit it, she is very tough and strong, she can handle anything that life throws at her, and she makes great sacrafices to ensure the survival of her kind. Also, she's very smart and likes to think before acting. 

  • You're my best friend in the world, you don't get to just pretend that you don't matter!

  • I won't be able to stop you, right?

  • We really need no trouble that's for sure and that's why I am not a fan of your idea.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Reginald Simmons V.
cast offsite

The mayor of Eastbourn, he's a 50-something year old human, who's well known for having others deal with his risky affairs. He is very selfish and a coward, incapable of dealing with the consequences of his actions on his own. He always relies on others. Although he has all these negative characteristics, he's still able to keep the peace between the communities. He is roughly overpowered by the leaders of the Coven and the Vampires and he has a hard time accepting that they're his superiors, rather than equal partners and he takes it out on those who he has power over: his assistant Elliot, his employee, Zack and everyone he doesn't consider a threat to him.

  • I need you to do something for me but I have to warn you, this is something we've never dealt with before.

  • I am the mayor for God's sake! You'll do as I say.

  • If peace is will cost us everyhing. It'll be a bloodbath...the end of the humans in Eastbourn.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zelda Blackburn
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Zelda is the almighty leader of the Witch Coven of Eastbourn, a middle-age looking witch, in her 50s. She possesses all three main witch pwoers: fire, earth, wind/air and that is why she is respected as a goddess among the witches. She is often blinded by her hunger for power, she is very evil, destroying everyone who gets in her way. She hides a huge secret that could cost her her reign so she kills everyone who figures it out. She is determined to get the town of Eastbourn for herself and the Coven and she goes to deadly lengths to succeed. A very powerful and dangerous woman, those who respect her are also afraid of her and her anger. She is very arrogant, cynical, often sarcastic and ruthless.

  • Get out of my home immediately! I can't bare the sight of you right now!

  • In case you forgot, I am Zelda Blackburn, the most infamous witch in town. Do not ever try to mess with me!

  • Quiet, everyone! We have no time to waste on your useless words.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sheamus Tyson
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Sheamus Tyson is the infamous leader - or king as he likes to call himself - of the Vampire community. He is the oldest known vampire in the whole world. He is a tyrant often using his power to get what he wants. His biggest enemy is the Witch Coven because they were in a better position when the Dark War came to an end and somewhat became their superiors. Sheamus is known for being ruthless, not caring about the consequences of his actions (for example: he got rid of the  werewolves of Eastbourn). He think he's better than everyone elsea round him, he considers his people his servants, and he has no respect for anyone, not even his partner, Cassandra.

  • You have no value in our community, dear! So shut up and get the hell out of here!

  • (shout) I am the KING!

  • I want Zelda Blackburn's head on a stick so that I can pick my teeth with it!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Amaya Willow
Role assigned to: writerhalo

Amaya is the leader of the Windwitch Section but is subservient to Zelda. She is Zelda's right hand, following all of her orders without thinking. She is dependant on Zelda too much to realise that she has a value herself. Her actual self is very overshadowed by the presence of Zelda Blackburn.

  • Yes, Madame Blackburn!

  • Do as she told or you'll be sorry!

  • I don't know what I'd do without you, Zelda, you are such an inspiration to me.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hermione Guston
Role assigned to: tw4110

Hermione is the leader of the Earthwitches, who are already known for their peaceful and organised behaviour. She, as most of her Section, is firm about kindness, wants no trouble and tries to avoid all kinds of conflicts in the best way possible. She constantly tries to  hold Zelda's dark side back.

  • This doesn't have to be this way...not if you do something about it.

  • We don't need you to get revenge, we want no problem with the vampires. We worked too hard to keep peace, we can't destroy harmony now.

  • As a leader of the Earthwitches I'm asking you not to bring shame upon us with your brutality and drastical moves.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Adam Rowan
Role assigned to: Timothy Rowland II

Adam is a member of the Earthwitch Section and is trying to break out of their smothering. He tries to force other Witch Sections to acknowledge the importance of his kind and sometimes goes too far. His behaviour is often the opposite of what the Earthwitches are known for.

  • We do matter as well, you know, so stop treating us like shit!

  • You don't get to tell me to stop...not if you really want to avoid any conflict.

  • At least I try to make things better for us. But you? You just sit back and accept all kind of shit others throw at you...pathetic!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cassandra Damon
Role assigned to: RomancticPrincess

Cassandra is a 40-something-looking but actually much older vampire, and the wife of Sheamus Tyson. Their marriage isn't at all based on love but rather on Cassandra's sexy looks impressing Sheamus, and Cassandra's hunger for power. Her goal is to be acknowledged as the Queen of the vampires. She is backstabbing and manipulative. She's aware of sexual presence's power over man and she doesn't refuse to use that to her advantage. Also, she's very two-faced and she only cares about her own happiness and well-being.

  • Come on, honey, come back to bed and have a little more fun with me!

  • Making sure no one can read me is kinda my thing.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gaia Rowan
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Gaia is  an Earthwitch and Adam's big sister. She tries to protect his little brother by trying to convince him to stop rebelling against the leaders of the other Sections. She is very emotional and peaceful, just as most of the Earthwitches.

  • I am asking you, as your loving sister to stop with this reckless behaviour!

  • Your way of handling things will get you nowhere but to your own grave...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rebekah Tanner
Role assigned to: babydollx

Rebekah is Zack and Sara's 10-year old daughter, a human. She's very mature to her age and is very loving and caring. She sees the world's dark side too much.

  • Promise me, you'll be okay, dad!

  • Will you sing me to sleep, please?

  • I can't sleep when I know daddy's away dealing with those monsters...I'm so scared he'll get hurt.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Cleo is par of the Mermaid Community, who were banished from Eastbourn decades ago by the then-thriving Firewitches. Ever since, they hate them and are their sworn enemies. Cleo is generally helpful and a kind soul but is soon blinded by her emotions.

  • You know I should kill you right now, don't you?

  • I hate you for making my people miserable and you will pay for it one day I swear it!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kenneth Landon
Role assigned to: deleted166691

Kenneth is the last male Firewitch alive and Reese's boyfriend. They are trying to concieve babies to ensure the survival of their Section, with no luck so far. He has a wild and violent personality which he easily hides behind his winning smile.

  • You can't escape me until we ensure our survival so don't even think about doing anything stupid!

  • (pretending to be nice) You know I'd do anything for the lovely Reese...anything.


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