Age of Darkness (The Sims 4 Machinima Series)

RomancticPrincess for Lauren Atwood

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lauren Atwood
Role assigned to: xHannahx

Lauren is a 20-something looking vampire, who's actually more than 60 years old. She is known for her recklessness, her bravery and her cleverness. She will have a major role in putting some pieces together throughout the series.  Her brother is the only family she has, so she really loves him but isn't a person of emotions. She often struggles to show how she feels and that leads to problems in her personal life. She does really good in making choices under pressure but those choices often turn out to be...well poor. An example for this is a mysterious act from her past that made her then best friend become her biggest hater. She always looks at the bigger picture which often leads to individuals getting hurt without her noticing or caring.

  • I lost far too many people to just give up now.

  • Hi, my name is Lauren Atwood. I need your help...and you need mine,too!

  • If you keep this up you're gonna get us all killed!

Age of Darkness (The Sims 4 Machinima Series)

Hello there! Thank you for auditioning! I'm sorry but your voice doesn't fit Lauren too well BUT if you are interested, you should definitely audition for the part of either Amaya Willow or Cassandra Damon, you'd be incredible as one of them. :)

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