AEOS - Official Test Animation Casting (Voice and Colorist) (Still looking for more artists!)
Project Overview
Aeos is a original science-fantasy universe created by Aubren "Auby" Kinder, AKA Craz Ganon and his partner - me - Kelly Bauer, AKA Zexeos. He does the writing while I do the art, and help him with ideas.
We're finally ready to put Aeos into production! After many long years of developing story, characters, and potential plotlines, we're finally ready to make this final step. Above you will see a small snippet of a storyboard animatic, with the voice of the character provided by myself. This is still very early into production, but we need a team to help with voices and an artist to help me color in the assets for the video.
What we're casting for right now is the TEST ANIMATION. This video will work as a proof-of-concept just to see how things will work technically before we work on an official trailer for Aeos so we can begin pitching to youtube. This video will be no longer than 3 minutes in length, and it's just so Auby and I can get a feel for production before moving forward.
As a disclaimer - if youtube is killed by COPPA, this probably won't move past pre-production. If you are cast for this, be aware that the changing laws regarding children's content (Which animation is automatically filed under) might make this project grind to a halt. It's possible that you're just cast for this short animation - but fret not! Since this is original, you can use this for your reel, right? Silver linings.
Some information about the Aeos Universe:
Aeos is set in the far future of our timeline. The galaxy as a whole is split into two territories: the Core, which is ruled by a central democratic council, and the Reach, which is wild and lawless space, governed by guns and strength. The story centers on a cast of characters on a spaceship known as the Vigil, which is a military vessel commissioned by the Core government to have high-tech features. Its mission is to head into Reach space and scout, to see who or what can be reasoned with out in the wild lawlessness of the void. While peace might be the mission, sometimes, it's not an option.
Vicious insectoid aliens, space pirates, and bureaucratic resistance to their mission from the Core will all hinder their mission. And inside the deep recesses of Reach space, an ancient empire has been awoken from its slumber...
Some information about the animation and characters:
This is going to be a small test animation/animatic that is primarily drawn by myself, and has been written by Auby. Two characters are featured in it: Major Emilia Arra Sans, who prefers to go by Arra (or Major Sans if you're formal), and Specialist Riko Tryse. Arra specializes in military tactics, while Riko is a first-rate engineer. They've been assigned to work on the Vigil, which will be an exciting assignment for them. Arra is still dealing with the death of her father - which is a main topic in this video. Her father died when she was a teenager, and then she was adopted by Riko's mother, Qisa Tryse, making Arra and Riko sisters.
Arra is a human with dark skin, blue eyes, and a distinct scar across the bridge of her nose. Her hair is shaved into a short fade with spiked bangs. She's muscular, tough, and isn't afraid to break a nose or two to get what she wants. Her design can be found here:
Riko is a Nurunian, which is a big, fluffy ferret/raccoon/cat creature. She's a very excitable personality, who thinks about as fast as she talks. She loves to tinker and root around for new materials. Like all Nurunians, she likes to burrow and collect garbage to add to her hoard - the habit is instinctual, much to the chagrin of her sister. She's thin, with a bit of muscle, and is also tall with a big fluffy tail and tall ears, as well as pink fur. Her design can be found here:
Please note that both of these characters will appear in casual clothes for the sake of this animation - this story takes place before the two characters are on the Vigil and in uniform!
Information for Artists and Voice Actors
(All) You must have a Discord account. There is a server for Aeos and it will be used to contact you. It is also how you will submit lines and artwork. -
(VA) Your audio must be clean! If you're a VA, there can be no static or echo in your mic. Your voice must be clear and loud. Outputs are to be between 6 and 12 decibels. -
(All) You need to submit things on time! Once we get things rolling, there will be tight deadlines. If you miss a deadline without notifying either myself of Auby, actions might have to be taken. We can't hold up the whole project just because we didn't get a submission! -
(Artists) You must work with Clip Studio Paint or Photoshop. By having the same programs, I can pass you clean linearts to color in .CLIP or .PSD formats. Colors will be expected to match the design sheets given to you. I will go over how I want the panel to be shaded. -
(All) Be professional! While this isn't a paid project, there is to be some level of professionalism expected here. Anyone who is causing problems on the Discord or for the Directors will be kicked out.
The deadlines for auditions is 12-31-19! Any submitted on or after 1-1-20 will only be looked at if we need a recasting!
Thanks, and we hope to see your audition soon!
UPDATE: We're still looking for artists to work on the team! The more the merrier!
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Arra is tough-as-nails, but also has a soft side. She's tall, rough, and a tomboy through and through, and has a great energy around her. She almost has as much get-up-and-go as her sister - her determination is what made her go so far in the military.
[Talking to a photograph of her father, sadness in her voice.] "Hey, Dad... It's been a while since we talked. Just know that I've been thinking of you and I miss you."
[Listening to Riko babble excitedly.] "Uh-huh, and who told you all this? The rat under the stairs?"
[In tears as she explains this to the photo of her father.] "I just... I had to leave behind mom's old clock. Damn thing never worked but... it meant so much to her."
Riko is an excitable gremlin with more energy than she knows what to do with. Too fluffy for her own good, she ends up in all kinds of trouble due to her curious nature.
[Bursting through the door to talk to Arra] "Arra! Arra, oh my god! Did you see the thing? On the vidnet? IT'S GOT CUTE BABY DIGGONS!" (Pronounced Dig-Ohns)
"Man, trash is just... the best, isn't it? It really is somebody else's treasure! And you can do anything with it, since they don't want it anymore! It's like a candyland for inventors like myself!"
[Talking to Arra.] "And this ship we're gonna be on is AMAZING! It's called the Vigil, and it's got the top of the line tech and mechs on it! Oooo, I'm gonna make that baby sing to me when I get on board!"
This person will color in my linearts for me and help me with cel-shading the assets. I'll be looking for knowledge on color theory and how well you shade!
Say something you think would fit
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions