Additional voice needed for Animated Mini Series "Bite Shift"

Project Overview
Hi! We're Liz and Ivy, two indie animators looking for voice actors for an original animated mini series called "Bite Shift" that will be between 4-8 minutes total.
The series follows a group of vampires who work the night shift at their local movie theater and the mayhem that ensues over the summer.
This page is just for one character that appears in the debut episode only. We already have voice actors for the main characters, here's the link to the original page if you wanna see the other characters & get to know a bit more about the project!
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The customer is just a little business man, polite and wholesome, looking forward to watching a new movie screening after work. Slightly distinguished, somewhere around 4 feet tall with a suit and tie. (The episode is very comedic, and hardly over 2 minutes long, so snappy/to the point delivery is what we're hoping for to not drag out the animation production time)
Higher pitched (e.g. Mickey Mouse-esque) or a lower pitched Business Man voice are both things we're considering, but you're welcome to make up you're own voice that you think fits!
NOTE: These are all of his lines! So if we cast you, we'll probably just be using your audition for the final production and we'll send you $10 :)
1. "Hello madam! Can I get a ticket for the movie-uhh- "Mall Blart's Day Off"?
2. "Hello sir um I'd be fond of your finest yummy worms and a large popcorn, please!"
3. "Say lad is the AC up too high in here? You seem awfully cold..."
4. V...VAMPIRES!!!! VAMPIRES!!!! (SCREAMING) VAMPIRES!!! (scream vampires repeatedly, fearfully, for around 15 seconds)
Public Submissions