A Very Dry Bones Christmas (Plush Video)

Project Overview
Dry Bones is hosting a Christmas special! And in one segment, he asks the audience what they want for Christmas, followed by a montage of people answering that question. Here, you can audition for some of the characters who answer!
For this project, I'm only looking for extra voices. The lines for the role of your choice will be the only lines featured, so you don't have to worry about any long-term commitments on this project.
1. A good microphone (but you probably already knew that).
2. Please submit at least two takes of each line for your role.
3. Comment the username and socials (YouTube, Twitter, etc.) you would like to be credited with.
Have fun auditioning!
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Big ol' dumb dumb who means well.
Looking for a deep, sweet-sounding voice for this one.
- english
- male adult
- male young adult
I want a barrel full of bananas so I can share them with all of my friends!

Fred is a simple man. He just wants food.
Not looking for an accurate impression for this one, just as long as he sounds gruff.
- english
- male adult
- middle age
Forty thousand cheeseburgers. With cheese.

Strongly believes he's the best singer in the world. He is not.
Looking for a DEEP voice for this one.
- english
- male young adult
- deep
- male adult
I would love to serenade the world with my BEAUTIFUL singing voice!
(sing any SFW song you like here, just don't have it be "Never Gonna Give You Up", or "Baby Shark", 'cause that's too obvious)

A cowboy's life ain't easy. Especially around the holidays...
Also not looking for an accurate impression on this one, just as long as it's done in a rough, southern accent.
- english
- male adult
- american (southern)
- texan
- south texan
(depressed) I could really use a new banjo. I lost mine in the ol' bar fight of '96.
Public Submissions