101 Dalmatians Dramatic Reading

Project Overview

Hi voice actors. I've been wanting to make a Dramatic Reading of my favorite childhood book for a long time and now I'm finally going to try. Not many people know the original story due to the Disney movie and the book is even more heartfelt.

I am just a beginner to this so if you're more experienced at making audiobooks for Youtube, I could defiantly use some help. If you know how to edit audio, add background music, etc, please let me know.

I'll be posting autions for the 4 main roles first, as there are a ton of side characters.

Since the book is different, here's a link to download its PDF: https://largepdf.com/the-101-dalmatians/

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    I've added the whole cast that I need. Feel free to audition. :3
Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Sounding like the Disney character is fine, but please keep in mind that the book was written/set in the 50s so the lines are very different.

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • Comforting his wife:

    “Oh, I know we are worried about the puppies, but the more we worry, the less we shall be able to help them."

  • Proudly:

    “Just the right place for Dalmatians, for our ancestors were trained to run behind coaches and carriages. Some people still call us Coach Dogs or Carriage Dogs.”

  • Like you're planning:

    “If we attack them, they may kill us, and then there will be no one to help the pups."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Missis Pongo
Role assigned to: herbalistmama

This character's role was taken over by Perdita in the film. She's the real mother of the 15 puppies. Perdita IS a character, but using her Disney voice for Missis Pongo is ok as the former is just a side character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • Concerned:

    "But you are still much too delicate for the journey, dear Perdita. Besides, what could you do?”

  • Angry:

    “That is different, I do not consider Cruella de Vil is human.”

  • Happily:

    “Oh, Pongo, it’s tomorrow! Now we shall be with our puppies today!”  

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cruella De Vil

Just give me your best Cruella :3

  • english
  • “I worship furs, I live for furs! That’s why I married a furrier.”

  • Poison them, drown them, hit them on the head.

  • Disgusted:

    But they’re mongrels—all white, no spots at all! You must drown them at once.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jasper Baddun
Role assigned to: Luke_Burston

The Badduns are only in one chapter, but the few lines they have are important to the story. 

I would like a voice similar to the Disney one, but your own take is good too.

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • One thing’s certain, we can’t do it tonight or we shall miss ‘What’s My Crime?

  • Saul, I bet no one else has ever murdered ninety-seven Dalmatians.

  • Couldn’t you make time, Mrs. de Vil? You’d do it so beautifuHy—it’d be a pleasure to watch you. 

    (that's just how it's written in the book. I guess that's how he pronounces it)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Saul Baddun (the Horace of the book)

The Badduns are only in one chapter, but the few lines they have are important to the story. 

I would like a voice similar to the Disney one, but your own take is good too.

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • But they’re not big enough to be made into fur coats yet.

  • Dogs can swim. Anyway, the pond’s less than a foot deep.

  • What, hit ninety-seven pups on the head?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: herbalistmama

He is the leader of the stolen puppies. He will speak with authority in some lines

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • Saying to the Colonel:

    I’m teaching them to obey orders, sir.

  • Proudly:

    All the pups want to get a glimpse of you. Father, you are going to rescue them all?

  • Loud and alerting:

    Don’t bite her, chaps She tastes hot!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: blueeyedrose

Cadpig is the little puppy that almost died at birth. She's the smallest pup, but quite peppy and loves TV. 

Looking for a cute little girl voice.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • (talking about TV) Can we have it when we get back home?

  • Why, it’s just meant for us all to sleep in!

  • I like it much better than ordinary television. Only I don’t know why.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The hungry puppy. :3 I'm looking for the movie voice rather than the gruff voice of the TV series.

Only 1 line, sorry

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • Bags and bags of soot, Father

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Cadpig's favorite brother. Has about 4-5 lines

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • I don’t think it is a barn.

  • I’ll tell the other pups to come in.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

A voice closest to the Disney movie is best, but I'm really just looking for a gruff army general type voice with a British accent.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • english
  • I give you my word there is nothing wrong with your puppies

  • Not while the Badduns are awake. Even they couldn’t mistake me for a Dalmatian.

  • This is my pet, Tommy, He very much wants to meet you. Tommy wishes to lend you something. He knows how much you need it and is most anxious to help you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Sargent Tibbs is actually a female in the book, as well as a lieutenant. She has 2-3 scenes. I'm looking for a kind teacher like voice.

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • You can call me Tib. My real name’s Pussy Willow, but that’s too long for most people.

  • I’m entitled to nine names as I’ve nine lives,” said the cat. “But I’ll settle for ‘Lieutenant Willow’

  • If there’s one thing I object to being called, it’s plain ‘cat’!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nanny Cook/Butler

I would need similar voices,but I'd have to be able to tell the difference.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female senior
  • english
  • Nanny Butler: I shall be a real butler and I shall valet Mr. Dearly, which will need no training as I’ve done it since the day he was born

  • Nanny Cook: What a pity they can’t be in the laundry with their brothers and sisters

  • Nanny Cook: They’ve been stolen, I know they have!

    Nanny Butler: It’s got a name and address on it, Master Tommy Tompkins, Farmer. Dympling, Suffolk.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr. Dearly

You can try to sound like Roger from the movie or just give me your own take on it

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • I shall always remember this happy walk

  • Anyone would think they were signalling

  • It’s considerably more than all their puppies!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mrs. Dearly

You can try to sound like Anita from the movie or just give me your own take on it

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • “Why, that’s Cruella de Vil, we were at school together. She was expelled for drinking ink.”

  • Yes, her hair was just the same. She had one white plait and one black.

  • Odd looking dogs. I can’t quite recognize the breed.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Male Collie

One scene only. His role is equivalent to the black lab in the movie.

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • No talk until you’re safely hidden. It’s almost light.

  • Ninety-nine of you together are spectacular—though I mean it as a compliment. You’d be much safer if you were black.

  • In anger: Here I am, locked in with a warm fire and a good supper—and powerless to help you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Male Golden Retriever

He's in about one scene. Looking for a proud father type voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • Pongo and Missis Pongo, I presume? All arrangements were made for you by Late Twilight Barking. Please follow me.

  • It’s a very great honor. We are planning a small plaque—to be concealed from human eyes, of course—saying: PONGO AND MISSIS SLEPT HERE.

  • My youngest lad, already on guard. He’s hoping to see you for a moment, when you’re rested, and ask for your paw-marks—to start his collection.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Old Spainel

An old dog that helps out Missis and gives her and Pongo shelter. Has about 2 scenes.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • scottish
  • Good morning. Can I be of any help to you, my dear?

  • There isn’t another dog for miles. Anyway, Sir Charles needs me at twilight—he needs me almost all the time.

  • You have given my dear old pet a great pleasure. I am deeply grateful.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Female Red Setter

A skittish young setter. Not many lines, but they're mostly all in a panic.

  • english
Voice description:
  • french
  • The bakery’s on fire!

  • Basically panicking: There’s nothing for you to eat and nowhere for you to sleep, and the village street’s full of people. All your poor hungry puppies!

  • There’s no dog at the bakery, so I was chosen to arrange everything—because I took first prize in a dog show. And now I’ve failed you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Staffordshire Terrior

Dog owned by the guy in the moving van, has about one scene. Looking for a New Yorker voice...I just got that vibe off the character

  • english
  • I don’t know, mate, you’d better hide in my van.

  • Well, swelp me if it isn’t soot! And it doesn’t fool me. You’re the Missing Dalmatians. Want a lift back to London?

  • It won’t take much more than a couple of hours, if I know my pets. They want to get home to finish decorating their kids’ Christmas trees.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Great Dane

The dog that starts the barking chain. Has few lines. Need a big assertive voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • I have a chain of friends all over England, and I will be on duty day and night. Courage, courage, O Dogs of Regent’s Park!

  • Calling Pongo and Missis Pongo of Regent’s Park. No news of your puppies. Deepest regrets. End of— Wait! Wait Wait!

  • Puppies found in lonely house. S.O.S. on old bone

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cruella's Cat

A very minor role, but her chapter is satisfying. >:3 

Looking for a sly fox type voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • That’s the civilest speech I ever had from a dog. Who are you? There are no black dogs round here.

  • I wait for my full revenge. I can’t do much on my own—I’ve only two pairs of paws.

  • You’ve heard of people’s hair going white in a single night, from shock? That’s happened to the black side of her hair. And the white side’s gone green!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Splendid Vet

Only has 4 lines

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • Excellent! A really magnificent family. And how is the father bearing up?

  • He won’t hurt a lady

  • Careful, Pongo! She may not want you in there.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sir Charles

The old man that owns the Spaniel. He sees Pongo and Missis but thinks they're ghosts due to his old age.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • english
  • Well, if that isn’t Pongo and his missis. “Well, Well! What a pleasure! What a pleasure!

  • Can you see them? If you can, don’t be frightened. They won’t hurt you. You’d have liked them. Let’s see, they must have died fifty years before you were born—more than that.

  • This house is supposed to be full of ghosts, but I’ve never seen any.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

A small speaking role, but still should sound different to Missis/Disney Perdita's voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • Lucky is so brave, he will bite the thieves and then they will kill him.

  • I could wash the puppies


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