Terri Basler
Hi, I am Terri Basler and I do voice acting, writing, and editing for Hooting Pictures, https://www.youtube.com/c/HootingPictures
I voice Mother Demon in two animated series by Sally Basler entitled Transportation Station and Bobby and His Nightmares:
Transportation Station: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYWhrHEEIbU&list=PLHzN31XgPF70A94VS4XcNgq9CoEnaciMH
BAHN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o75ryKagFKc&t=329s
I also voice Mrs McNormal in the series by Millicent Basler entitled The McNormals:
Terri is a very capable and talented voice actor. She is kind, friendly and a great voice actor. She is truly a joy to work with.
Terri is a very talented writer and voice actor. She helps a lot with writing/editing scripts and also voices a key character in the Hooting Pictures universe! She is very kind and always available to pitch in no matter her role. Highly recommended!
Actor/Actress (Mrs. McNormal )