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This has been a big passion projecty for a while!
I am a Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Director, and Producer
My name is Uncle Yuu, artist and animator! I'm a relatively solo guy (I'm the only animator on this project!) and while my audience is small at the moment, I'm hoping to steadily grow!
Speaks: english
I am a Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
🎬 Valor Studios is our channel for creative minds passionate about Minecraft machinima and cinematic content. Our community is all about featuring the incredible work of creators who are POC, disabled, LGBTQ+, and everyone in between.
Speaks: english
Amateur VA/Impressionist, Writer, Artist and Composer at your service!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, and Live Actor
Hi, I'm Ivan! I'm a neurodivergent teenager with a passion for acting, voice acting, storytelling, drawing and coding! I'm always willing to be a part of a project! Although I may not look like it, I'm Hispanic, and thus, am fluent in Spanish, and know a little bit of Japanese (my peers have told me that I nail the pronunciation), so if you're looking for someone who can speak another language, look no further!

I did modelling work for Zulily and took classes at Seattle Talent at a young age, but couldn't pursue a career due to still being in elementary school, but hope to change that now that I'm almost an adult!

As an individual on the autism spectrum, I am prone to having hyper fixations, some of them including UNDERTALE, Deltarune, Attack on Titan, Sonic the Hedgehog and Dragon Ball. 

I look forward to possibly working alongside you!
Spaded Ace Productions is a small YouTube channel run by a minor named Ace in his spare time! The channel hosts his projects and at current he's looking for animators and voice actors to reach out to via Discord with in order to help pursue his efforts!
I am a Artist and Animator
The creator of the Production Channel is Ace whose main hobby has been art and animation since he was young!If you wish to contact Ace, either DM this account or (for the quickest turn around time) reach out to his discord at: spadedace47/♤JunglePrince♤#0047
To see the Spaded Ace Productions channel itself and the projects on it, here's a link! Spaded Ace Productions.At current the main content present on the channel is Dew Surfers! Created in late 2021 and is a current, on-going series of comics, shorts, episodes, and introductions about the lives of surfing cats who've taken to an island as a home of paradise.
Ace's goal is to make more Dew Surfers content and pursue its future and perhaps if more ideas spark he's passionate in, produce content for those concepts too!
Speaks: english
Search all 2884 animator gritty profiles