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Just gettin' started!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, and Writer
🍓 TwistedFates! 🍊 My Official Site! 🍋 Twitch! 🍏
Hey there, I'm Olive! I'm a 30-somethin'-year-old black cat lady who loves to create art and share experiences with artists and appreciators alike. I'm married with two kids (see: cats) and wanted to try voice-over ever since I was young, having made up a lot of voices for characters while playing with my younger siblings. Seven years ago when I worked at a Starbucks drive-thru, a customer complimented me on my voice, saying that her children loved the sound of my voice. A lot of people have complimented my voice, and being a participant in the Arts, I've always wanted to try and expand my horizons. So! I'm going to give this voice-acting thing a shot!
Speaks: english
I am a Animator, Writer, and Director
Hey there, I'm ClashSupreme! I'm a 3D animator who likes to animate stories and comedy animations on Youtube. I've been doing animations for about 5 years and I've been having a blast making awesome animations, and it'll be great to up my game with your help!
Speaks: english
Accents: american
Skills and Interests: deep voice deep voices serious
If animating isn't fun for you, you're doing it wrong. Make them, like, break model midsentence or something interesting at least.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, and Writer
17 year-old animator/creative writer since the age of 12. The projects I work on are strictly cartoons and anime (two completely different things). All I do when I'm not at school is just draw and animate all day long. Here's where that got me:
Speaks: english
Accents: american any
Follow my tiktok Lyras_L1fe !! :))
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, and Writer
Hello, I'm Lyv and I'm 15 years old. My goal was to become an animator but now I'm quite unsure of that. I have 2 big projects I'm working on, but right now I'm not even sure if I want to finish those. Don't count on me for anything
Speaks: english
Search all 1067 animator serious profiles