About ZunigaRuby
Hello! My name is Ruby, nice to meet you!
I am glad to have found this website, and honestly I had no idea how much I loved voice acting until I found a video of someone asking for auditions for a video game and I decided to take the opportunity. That’s how I found Casting Call! Unfortunately an error occurred when I was auditioning, but I signed up and started looking for more auditions and will continue so I can get a step further towards my goals.
I’m currently taking college classes to be able to further myself in my studies. But I make some time on the side to do auditions and practice my voice acting skills.
I love to sing and play my keyboard once in a while, and I also love writing. I get ideas for my works from books that I read, or my own original ideas of course. My favorite things to write though is Fanfiction, it’s silly but being able to have a character of my own in one of my favorite anime’s shakes up my heart. And it’s the same with voice acting.
Don’t be afraid to message me! :) thank you for reading and I look forward to working with you.