

Joined Sep 2017 4 Following0 Followers
About Zebezach

Some things I've voiced: 

[Dub] Skyward Sword: The Movie (by Zelda Universe) - Groose 
[Dub] The Wind Waker: The Movie (by Zelda Universe) - Gonzo 
[Skyrim Mod] Maids II - Deception (by Enter_77) - Olmanac Bagarn

Things I'm currently voicing:

[Cartoon] Aptitude (by Spider Ren) - AEPI

  • @alexandert

    Zach is an incredibly reliable, friendly, professional & talented actor. I have personally worked with him on my dub projects for the past three years, and he always delivers high quality performances. Whenever I need something redone, he gives back 110% percent. He's easy to talk to and work with, and is very approachable.

  • @alejo-patten

    Zach is one heck of an actor, he manages to put himself in a role and just completely disappears into it while having fun!! Very Fun, nice guy, turns his lines in on time, and very professional!!!

    P.S: Disney, if you are looking to cast a new voice for a classic park attraction or a safety speil....GIVE THIS MAN A JOB!!!!