

Joined Aug 2017 18 Following0 Followers
About YourPalDal

Greetings and Salutations! My name is Dallas Ann, and I'm an aspiring voice actor, singer, artist, and writer. If you feel like I would be a good voice actor for you then, by all means, feel free to DM me! My discord is YourPalDal#0383 if you ever need me!

Demos & Samples
Dal's 2017 Demo Reel
Just some singing, acting, and impersonations in here. I forgot to mention I can do SEVERAL pokemon impressions and other things, whoops.
Dal's June 2018 Singing Demo Reel
This is a demo reel of me singing multiple songs to highlight my best vocal capabilities. My voice range is mezzo-soprano.
Dal's June 2018 Acting Demo Reel
This is a demo reel of me acting as a few roles i've played in the past and performing a monologue from the second maze runner movie. Hope you enjoy!
Dal Performing Hester's Monologue From "A Woman Of No Importance"
In this monologue, an american teenager named Hester in confronting a group of gossiping english ladies on how the way their society is corrupted and uneducated for the way they treat enlightened people.
  • @rebeccathecupcake

    I really want to voice acting for MineCraF roleplays, I would love to Body act, or voice over, or even build! I'm getting a new mic in a couple of days, it's still in shipping, if you would like I can send you pictures of my buildings! <3 Rebecca

  • @lolwhysing

    I've known them for a few years now and they have massive amounts of spirit and dedication to the work they do. They put mass amounts of passion into their work and I'm glad to have worked with them.

  • @minecraftmadness234

    We've been close friends for a few years and I'm in a drama class with them. Honestly, every role I've seen them assigned never fails to make me smile and take my breath away. Dal works nonstop to get every detail of their assigned character down and they have a beautiful way of portraying each as well. Dal asks all the right questions if they ever have any and there isn't a doubt in my mind that they're going to go far in acting one day.

  • @superblastboi

    Sent you a message!