Yggdrasil Ivy

Yggdrasil Ivy

Joined Aug 2021 1 Following0 Followers
About Yggdrasil Ivy

Hi there. My name is Philip and I am an Irish voice actor based in London. I am currently working on expanding my body of work and I am open to being a part of any project I  can lend my voice too. I am a queer person and my pronouns are he/they, 


£20 per hour starting

  • @ccmaci

    Philip Hughes is a quality voice actor: excels in vast vocal range & performance, has a quick DM response time, will deliver audio fast, and will be a breeze to direct.

      In Hallownest Vocalized, he voices 2 Major Roles.

      While a small role, Blue Child Joni was widely received by players. She was a very wholesome bug, and acted as a breath of fresh air from the harsh journey thus far. With a sweet, kind, but unique voice, Philip fulfilled this role wonderfully.

      I recommend Philip for any roles you consider him for, he’ll be a great addition to your team!

      Additional Notes: This recommendation is for a voice actor from Hallownest Vocalized, a Hollow Knight mod which gave English voice acting to every character in the game. This was a large-scale project, acquiring over 5,000 auditions, but only casting 100 voice actors. This is the mod's Launch Trailer (this VA does not appear in it) https://youtu.be/dFXN2rKDuho