Hi! My name is Stephanie. ~
Starting in high school, I've participated in several projects both off and on casting call club, ones including playing Amaia Mitchell in Heaven Love's audiobook version of CyberSpy on Audible and EcGlaceon's Youtube Fandub of Miitopia.
The best way to contact me:
Gmail: stephscaturro
Discord: xItsJustSteph#8590
Stephanie is a wonderful voice actor with a passion for acting! She puts 100% into every role she recieves and you can see her determination in her work! I can vouch for Stephanie's abilities after seeing them personally in the masterclass we shared!
Steph shows the most initiative out of all of the voice actors in my small team! Not to downplay any of the others, of course, but she was the first to join the Discord server once casted AND was one of the first to create her character for my Miitopia fandub. During casting, when she auditioned, I knew she would be the one!
Stephanie is a serious and dynamic person, I was delighted to have her as an actor on my first project and hope to continue working in the future with her. ;)
She was able to adapt perfectly to the role, her seriousness and determination make your project a success!
I recommend her 100%.