
Voice actor and singer, does any kind of roject specifically looking for games, will work for free. I AM A MINOR, Voice ranges in bio

Joined Oct 2023 0 Following0 Followers
About Fitz

Hi! I'm Fitz, I've been a voice actor for a little over a year now and I've been trying to get into all kinds of projects, so far I've been in close to 30 or 40 projects, a lot of which have been canceled or the creator went offline forever, so I'm hopping on CCC in hopes of finding an actual project that will be continued and successful. Also, I apologize if I am ever unprofessional, after all I am still just a kid (15), though I will try my best to be as professional as I possibly can!

I feel I should mention I have what I believe to be a pretty good mic (FIFINE Dynamic Mic) I also have a pop filter but prefer to not use it for everything, especially auditions, but if you hire me and would prefer i use the pop filter ill use it!

What voices can I do?:

Adult male (Not a 10/10 but I have been hired for many males)

Adult Female (any range)

Little Girl

Slight Spanish accent not a 10/10

Slight French accent not a 10/10

Teen Girl

Teen Boy

I can TRY little boys but I cannot promise it will be good

some animals

Thanks for reading!!

Demos & Samples
Fitz's demo reel
voice match

0$ - 15$ it depends on the type of project but will most likely be 0$

What Fitz is looking for

I want to work for mostly voice acting games, like indie games or roblox games or really any type of game! I'm mostly working as a voice actor for the fun of it but I also want to be apart of so many things that people can recognize my voice and be like "Oh hey! that's Fitz that voices {Character name here}!"