Will I am GYT

Will I am GYT

Joined Apr 2020 4 Following4 Followers
About Will I am GYT

Just a theatre major who wants to explore more avenues of performance. Don't let he Profile pic seem off putting I'm not a jerk I promise! Anime watcher who loves to mimic voices to moderate success. I have my own podcasts on Anchor that streams on my college radio

  • @explicitcensor

    The definition of this actor is as follows:

    A Scholar, A Gentleman, A Talented Artist, and A Beautiful Soul.

    Easily one of the most wonderful and passionate actors I have ever been allowed to work with. Well-mannered, honest, and respectful; he always gives an awesome performance. I am beyond honored to know him!

    Treat him well because he deserves to be, without a doubt!

  • @astra-the-greek

    Critic, my guy! An Intellectual individual of great skill and charisma, and a great friend. He may not really be a critic, but he is definitely an Actor. An Actor you should cast! This man is great! Nothing else to say.