

Joined Jan 2020 1 Following0 Followers
About WhimsicalPlushie

Hey, I'm Alek, a video editor for my friend and I's gaming comedy channel on YouTube: WhimsyShrimp. I'm here wanting to learn about and practice voice acting.

If you're looking for a VA with a baritone voice, then you've come to the right place.
At this point in time, I'm looking for any work in order to help myself improve and grow as a VA.

  • @roseydanes

    Alek has a natural talent for performance. He knows how to be both subtle and overt and quickly grasps the atmosphere of a story. He'll find depth in his character and takes his time to aim for the intentions of the director and the writer's work. The recorded quality of the lines he sends is excellent. He works well with a team and I am very fortunate to have had a chance to work with him. Highly recommend.