

Hey! I'm the creative director for a few different projects one of which is alongside an equally talented awesome friend of mine and the podcast published here for fun. I also voice act when I can and am just a straight up nerd (at the risk of sounding a little too quirky).

Joined Apr 2020 2 Following1 Followers
About Whateverurself

Currently a close to dead inside computer science major working towards a dream of opening my own creative studio and trying to put out a few projects building a somewhat functioning portfolio (wish me luck). Alongside the Monsterhearts podcast open for auditions now, I genuinely just love to write and voice act after growing up with mainly fantasy and sci-fi media, which turned into pretty passionate interests for all things creative and fantastical. Can't wait to get to meet some equally passionate people on here and collaborate with you!

  • @IrisTheSpyMist

    Aniessa and I grew up together but the recent years really kicked off our bond to the point of us realizing how well we worked together. So, naturally, being both nerds, we embraced our collaborative creativity and I can say with full conviction she’s a wonderful, funny, witty co-creator and an aspiring storyteller in the making. Keep at it Nessie, God Bless you <3