

Joined May 2018 20 Following0 Followers
About VaykelVO

Ash Vaykel is an Australian based voice actor with a passion for character exploration. Whether its a natural conversation, a zany show of force or a chilling question of human nature, Ash is there building his ordinance one take at a time. Once he's ready to light the fuse its best to stand clear, he's been known to flail, growl, slobber and laugh manically all in the name of fun.

Catch me on Twitter or Youtube

  • @phantasmal-bard-studios

    Despite life events cropping up, he was prompt with his lines, cooperative and receptive to our direction! This guy has a great voice and has been wonderful to work with!

  • @koala-bear-workshop

    Ash joined one of my projects in a small role, before being cast as one of the main character. Since then he's been in several of my projects. Really awesome guy who is super talented. Cannot recommend him enough, could spend hours talking to him.