

Joined Mar 2021 1 Following2 Followers
About under-the-umbrella

Hi! I'm under-the-umbrella, a writer/actor/musician. I've been acting since I was a kid and I don't plan to stop---in fact, I recently had a featured role in a local indie sitcom, and I'm currently rehearsing for a musical. I'm currently working on a first draft of a novel, as well as some other projects. I have ADHD and love projects with neurodivergent representation, and I'm a big fan of creators that touch on mental health in their work.


  • Music(Performance and Composition)

  • Video games!

  • Fantasy, dystopia, sci-fi, anything of that nature

  • Comedy

  • Mental health

  • LGBTQ stuff

  • Sharks!(not relevant whatsoever, but I can’t not mention my special interest)

I'm always excited to help people create, whether it's a small project or a large one. I look forward to working with you!