Tyr Leifsen

Tyr Leifsen

Joined Sep 2017 32 Following0 Followers
About Tyr Leifsen

Balmung has been an avid fan of voice acting since he was a child, practicing and honing his acting abilities over his range of voice. He can provide both a mid to high range voice with great emotion and he always meets his set deadlines as early as possible.

If given the chance he would love to help out as many projects, and inspire to be the best they can be, no matter how tough the future laid out in front of you may have ok.

  • @deleted96130

    An amazing voice actor, he has provided countless voices for my project, both support roles, background and main roles. He is amazing at changing his voice, so much that he can voice three characters in one scene and sound like completely different people. So glad to be working with him!

  • @phantasmal-bard-studios

    He was cast as two characters. He was wonderful, professional and he was incredibly easy to work with!