

A monster girl with some voice talent. Being new to the VA scene, she hopes to leave her mark for future audio listeners.

Joined Nov 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About MonsTriss

Greetings! I'm MonsTriss, but you can call me Triss for short. I'm a professional 2D artist looking into becoming a VA. My vocals have a lot of range, and I want to test out how far they can go. Check out my voice lines for a brief outlook on my skills. Please note that I'm still beginning this journey, so I may make some mistakes down the line.

Projects I Can Do:

  • As a cartoonist, I'm always down for anything cartoony. I'm highly comedic and love to use my voice to portray my humor.

  • Simple, lighthearted stuff that doesn't need to be too intense. I tend to be quiet by nature, but I can get a little rowdy if need be

  • Villains! Oh, I would love to play a villain! I often scare my family and friends by saying scary phrases in a deep, sinister voice.

Projects I Can't Do:

  • Nothing explicit. I'm an asexual individual who doesn't care much about sexual things. Let's keep things casual and unarousing.

  • Be a decent human being. It's a shame that I have to list out, but some people like to treat others horribly through work. Even though VA is new to me, as a creative, I'm familiar with dealing with people who lack basic human decency.

  • Workload and strict schedules, as in you require me to get in lines by the end of the day or two. I'm still fairly new to this, so it would help if I didn't get bombarded with as much work as possible from the get-go.

If you wish to contact me, please send me a PM here or through email. By all means, if you prefer a different method of communication, let me know, and I'll seek out the method you are most comfortable with.

What MonsTriss is looking for

I'm looking for any project willing to have me and my vocal ranges!