Triptych LCA

Triptych LCA

Joined Mar 2018 8 Following2 Followers
About Triptych LCA

Hello everyone. I'm KJ Williams and I am aspiring entertainer.

I used to be 'the teal cap' on here, but I wanted to start over on here after a lackluster beginning plagued with delays on both ends of the spectrum and whatnot.

I am a Sonic-centric content creator, and thus my main voices revolve around the Sonic franchise. I can also touch upon voices in the Mario franchise, as well as some political figures, celebrities, and other characters in pop culture.. 

As "the teal cap", I was cast as the following:
Scourge - Guardians of the Sacred Light by Light Ivy Pictures
Sonic, Pacman, R.O.B., Male Inkling (aka Louis) - The Great Amiibo War by fightinglucario

As "Triptych LCA", I have been cast as the following:
Sonic the Hedgehog - Sonic X comic fandub by YoshiTails13
Guard, villager - Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons by MacKenzie B.