@thenethClosing Credits TA & Admin Esq. • Voicem'n, actor, singer, dork.
TheNeth • ラネス
Insert well-written and witty bio here about an early 40-something Aussie voicem'n and student of vo-oriented audio engineering.
This profile is primarily for my work with Closing Credits as a TA and admin, but who knows - maybe I'll actually get off my bum and audition for some voice acting roles one day soon, eh?
I took the Audio Engineering course offered through Casting Call Club / Closing Credits and run by Tony Wijs in late 2020, and immediately my interest was captured and passion was ignited!
I completed the course with a far greater understanding of sound and the myriad ways it can be manipulated than I was expecting to when I first began, especially as it applies to voice acting / actors.
Evening workshop focused on providing the foundational skills all good voice actors should have if they are going to be doing any sort of audio editing or engineering for their audition or final audio file submissions.
Whole day workshop on the various aspects of what it takes to be a voice actor today, with a particular focus on how to prepare for and nail both in-person and remote auditions, as well as how to market yourself to casting directors and agents.
Full day workshop centred around how to train, prepare for, and find work in video game voiceovers, with a particular focus on the Australian market / industry.
Two day intensive workshop that takes current-and-aspiring voice acting talent from the very beginning through an excellent list of best practices, as developed and determined by Australian voiceover industry veterens Andy Wells and Cecelia Ramsdale.
This workshop is run at Bang Bang Studios, a professional recording studio in Melbourne, providing access to industry-grade equipment and facilities as well as several opportunities to spend practical time in front of the mic in a proper sound-proof studio, with both Andy and Cecelia sharing the roles of Director and Audio Engineer.
At the end of the two days, students will learn some of the basic skills needed for voice over and receive a copy of all their recordings from the weekend, along with an understanding of 'where to from here'.