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Search all 6850 voice actor uruguayan profiles
Amateur voice actor eager to experience the world of dubbing 
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
I like everything related to voice acting and dubbing 
Speaks: spanish
Accents: uruguayan
Voice Description: male teen male young adult
The silly! 
I am a Voice Actor
Hallo !!
I'm Uki (he/him)minor, so please do keep that in mind!

I voice acted in small projects, mainly fandubs but I currently been voicing characters from fanganronpas!
I tend come off as very quick to try and make friends with others, usually just comes from me seeing people who seem cool.
My range can be from my usual speaking voice to a more higher pitched voices, I do well with imitating characters from games if I get a good handle over how they pronounce certain words, names and such, just might take me a bit to grasp on them fully!
Setup: audacity
I am a Voice Actor
No se, me gusta hacer cosas que no harĂ­a generalmente solo por diversiĂłn.
Speaks: spanish
Accents: uruguayan
Voice Description: male teen
Search all 6850 voice actor uruguayan profiles