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Search all 2463 voice actor Neat King Bee II profiles
Voice Actor:[email protected]
I am a Voice Actor
Hello! I am a Chinese-American VA in California!

I have always enjoyed films and video games. This didn't necessarily transfer into a love or even a need to perform. However, after a required theater class in High School, I came to find myself captivated by the art of story telling through performance. This was further explored when I took another theater course in college.

Voice works allows actors to portray characters that they wouldn't have the opportunity to in front of a camera, or even on stage. I love exploring characters and tackling ones that make me nervous. 

Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Producer
I'm a freelance animator looking for voice actors for my game and shows that I'm working on.I can also do some voices as well.
Mostly I can only make a child or young adult sounding voice.I can kinda sorta do a campy leader voice but I'm not great at it (still workin' on it).
Ask me for my in messages if you wanna contact me off the site.
Speaks: english
Accents: texan
Voice Description: male teen male young adult
I am a Voice Actor and Writer
Hey, I'm Kovich. I have lots of experience voice acting, and have been doing so since 2017. I love doing character voices, and have lent my talents to dozens of video games and video game mods
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male adult male young adult
Skills and Interests: voice acting writing stories
I am a Voice Actor
Heya! My name is FrickFrack and everywhere else, I am from Britannia also known as the United Kingdom. AND I LOVE VOICING CHARACTERS!! :D <3 and I enjoy being an ARtiiST![demo reel soon]

Speaks: english
Accents: british
Skills and Interests: 2d art 3d modeling pixel artist
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Writer
I'm a passionate VA who loves to bring characters to life! I can do high pitched anime voices, lower and mid pitch feminine voices, boy voices and I specialize with robotic/Alexa sounding voices. I can also speak a small amount of Russian :)
I've collaborated with numerous YouTube channels on comic dubs, comedy skits, and fan projects and have a tons of fun working with other voice actors! If you'd like to arrange a collab or see some of my previous work, feel free to reach out either here or on Discord.
Bright, Warm and Clear. Native Bilingual of RP British and Tokyo Japanese.
I am a Voice Actor
With 10 years of professional stage performance experience, I'm now bringing my skills to the mic, to bring your project to life.
I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, and Writer
I'm Archer. I'm a huge horror nerd and gamer. I'm a former line cook and devoted foodie. I love to feed people yummy things. I was born and raised in North West England, spending a lot of my free time of a weekend in Chinatown in Liverpool.  But now I happily reside in Southern Tasmania with my gorgeous wife and our cats.
During Christmas 2016, I broke my back in an accident at work and have been learning to walk again since then thanks to nerve damage and a general lack of sensation and motor control below the knee. I suffer with clinical depression, inattentive type ADHD, generalised anxiety disorder, and CPTSD stemming from childhood abuse and trauma. This means I might do things in a way that is a little different.
Aside from that I'm a reader, a gamer, a colourer, an eater... and a big ol' punky metalhead. I look forward to providing the weird British voice you ...
Speaks: english
My name is Johan and I'm an aspiring Asian-American voice actor!
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
Speaks: english
Accents: american
An aspiring voice actor located in the DFW area.
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
I am Jerry Johnson. I'm an actor/voice actor located in the DFW area. I am currently attending the University of Texas and am slated to graduate in Spring 2025 with a Bachelor's in Theatre and a minor in Japanese.I have worked in the acting scene in Denton for the last 4 years, from acting on stage, to acting on film and now into my latest venture of expanding my capabilities, voice acting. It's an absolute please to meet you. Let's make something wonderful!
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male adult
Search all 2463 voice actor Neat King Bee II profiles