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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
I am Youtuber and Content Creator my channel 274K Subscribers. 
My youtuber channel is call Abridged Goku: 
*  Be ready to work and be available * Decent recording environment and microphone . * Discord is an unquestionable requirement. Extra Notes: * Make sure your sound isn't excessively uproarious. * It's not a prerequisite to copy the first voices of the characters. You are extremely free to take a stab at something new! On the off chance that you have any inquiries, kindly don't spare a moment and message me on CCC!
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Professional Actor, Stand-up Comedian and Voice Actor. Has been working in the industry for over 11 years.
Anime Dubbing Demo:
Character, Video Game and Animation Voice Over Demo Reel:
Acting Demo Reel:
Stand-up Comedy Demo:
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Music Composer, Writer, and Live Actor
My name is Alijah Riles. I am an amateur writer and a musical theater enthusiast. I've been writing for as long as I can remember. I've started several projects. But no matter the reason, from drama to people simply losing interest, none have ever been completed. But I am determined to change that now that I'm on this website.
Speaks: english
YouTuber, Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, Singer
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hey! I'm TheOtherJames! You can find examples of my work on my YouTube channel here:
Accents: any
Skills and Interests: dance voice acting
Check out my Resume & Demos at                                                                                                                                     Insta: sarah.airial   Discord: simply_smurphy #3289
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Hi there! My name is Sarah and I would love to work with you. Thank you so much for checking out my page. If you want to get a better glimpse of my work, check out my demos on my website or send me a message and say hello! I hope you have a fantastic day and I look forward to working with you!Sincerley,Sarah Airial :)
(New) Owner of Cursed Moons Industries ☆ [urban_churro stepped down due to harassment and stalking :( ]. Currently any acting or behind-the-scene works are unpaid, but i strive to get us there! If you wanna talk to me, you can reach out through Discord: stubborn_stag_beetle 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
Voice Description: child Demon Dog female adult female child female senior female teen female young adult male adult male child male senior male teen male young adult monster Abusive Acceptance Accusatory addicted adrenaline-based adult afraid aged aggressive Aleks Le (Offical VA) androgynous angelic Angry animation anime annoyed Annoying Arrogant assertive authoritative Authority Barbie basically Basically a coward until passed out (serious slayer mode activated) bitter Blunt bold booming bossy bratty Bubbly calm Captivating Carefree caring cheery child Childish Chilling clear Closed Off Cold cold with anger comedic comedic intimidation comforting comical Concerned Confused Coward Crybaby Crystal-clear deep Defensive Demanding Demonic Denial depressed deranged Determined Dismissive dog noises doubtful dull Elegant emotionless Empowered Empowering Encouraging Exasperated exhausted expressive Fairy-like fandub fatherly fearful female Feminine Fired Up firey Firm Flashy forgetful formal friendly Frightened Gentle Gentleman goal-driven Godly Grandpa growls harsh Hatred have a say in the matter Helpful High high-low pitched High-Medium high pitch Highschooler High voice homophobe Humble Husky Ignorant Innocent Insincere Intimidating Irritated joking judgement Judging kind Kind-Hearted know-it-all Leading Light growl like an angel Logical lordly loud loud as hell loud/yelling Loving Low Low-high pitch Low Pitched low tone Lurking luscious Male manipulated Matter-of-Fact Mature Medium medium high Medium-High Medium High Low Medium High Pitch Medium-High Pitch medium-low Medium low Medium-low pitch Medium Pitch Medium to Low mellow meme energy mesmerizing mid-deep misled mocking Monotone Monstrous motherly Naive neutral nostalgia nostalgic observant Obsessed obsessive Old Open-Minded Optimistic Overthinking panic paranoid Passionate Passive patient patronizing Persuasive pessimistic petite Pity Pitying Plea Pleased powerful professional Protective quiet racist Rad Rasp raspy Raspy-ish Regretful Religious Remembering resentful Resonant Respect Respectful Result-Driven Roaring Rough Sad Sarcastic sassy and bratty very bratty Scary Screaming screeching Self-Aware self-important Semi-Adult semi-deep Semi-Loud Sensitive serious Shaky silly similar to Kirishima from MHA Sinsiter Slow Sly smart smarty-pants smooth Smug Snapped snarky Soft softspoken song Sorrow Spectator spoiled child mentality squealy Stern straightforward Strict strong strong voice Stubborn Stupid superior suspicious tactical teen threatening timid Trickster trustworthy Twisted and wicked Twisted excitement Twisted Joy twitter mindset Unapologetic Understanding undyne from undertale Unhinged Unwavering Upset Velvety voice match Wailing warm Warn welcoming Well-Spoken whiny Whisper wilted wise Witty Worried worshiping Yelling young young adult
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