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Business man, Horror Artist, Voice Actor
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, Director, and Producer
Mostly just an artist, but occasionally I host projects for small creators outside of CCC. I invest on projects I personally think have potential. Im a Business Administration student (final year) with knowledge of all sectors of Business. I'm always open to inquiry about project collabs. If you decide to add me through discord please DM me through CCC beforehand :)
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hi there! I'm the director of the Youtube Channel Game Rec Room as well as a guy who just really loves video games, as well as musicals and broadway! Please do check out our YouTube channel if you also enjoy that kind of stuff. Otherwise... welcome to my profile! Below are ways to contact me if you need to reach out for any reasons.
My Contact Info
Primary E-Mail - gmail.comDiscord - Coolskeleton95#0232
Skills and Interests: opera singing video editing
For business inquires, please contact via direct message or email
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, and Producer
Voice Actor | Game Producer | Cranky
I am a Voice Actor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, and Producer
Hey all, my name is Ben. I'm a hobbyist VA in my mid 20s and have a pretty wide range of voices. I've always been passionate about acting, and have been on the stage since I was a kid. I am easy to work with, and take creative direction well.  Most days I can get my lines in within only a few hours. I am happy to retake any lines you need to fit perfectly with your characters. I love helping out with whatever I can, whether it be on the VA or the operational side of things. Please shoot me a PM if you are interested in me auditioning for one of your roles. I hope you consider me for your project! 
Feel free to message me on Discord @ RainyDaze#6874Twitter:
I also make music sometimes!
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: music production singing
Call me "La Artist".
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Info:Male, autistic, 21 years old, semi-simp, biromantic, professional-skilled MS Paint artist for most/some contents, and sometimes does my few of artworks by any type (yeah both sfw & nsfw way) for boredom from if you want like to know me from any elsewhere in the social media, Deviantart, Twitter, Youtube and name of few.
In Projections & Casting:However I am also looking for voice actors in any form of projects and such, or even voicing myself as just some background character heard in the background. And well as if you like to be my friend (whatever that is mutual or quite friendful). DM at Discord or find me at other websites and we can chat like other users as usual.Even the fact is I wanted to form my own projects, and times as some voice actor with some damn less-poorly-but-only-useful "micless" by just talking at the speakers with Audacity being the only recording...
Voice Description: androgynous child female adult female child female teen female young adult male adult male child male senior male young adult monster neutral Abusive Additional Additional Voice adult Alone animation animation/character Annapantsu antagonist Antagonistish Anti-Hero antisocial aquatic Artistic Authority Bacon Bakery Based Based of Early Concept prior 2019 Beautiful Bedhead behemoth bored Bot brute Bully business calm Captain Careless CEO Cheerleader Childhood Friend chill Christian chubby cloud Clown coaching comedic Creepish criminal cruel Cruelty Crystal Cunning Curious cute Cyborg Dangerous Deadly Deceased Deep Voice demon Demon-ish Dense devious Dog-personality dumb dying Easter Egg Egg Electronic-theme Emo Ex-Mobster Expert explainer Fancy fandub Fastspoken Fat father femboy-ish film Flashback friendly funny Gambling Gang Leader Gang Member Gang Members Gangsta Gangster general Gentle Giddy girly Grace Vanderwaal Head Heartwarm-yet-dangerous helmsman helseman Highschooler hypnotized Insane internet Jazz-style Juliana Chahayed Kacey Musgraves King Lack words Laura Brehm Lazy leader Lightheart Living Legend Living Legends Loudmouth Lovely Loving Low Low Voice Loyal Machine Mafia Maid Mayor Meanspirited Member Merciless mobster Monster mother Muffling Muscle mutated Nasty natural Nerd neutral Noony Nut Old Outcunning Out of Trouble Overweight Parent pessimistic Pirate pitched voice plant Plants Pole-ish political Politician pop presentation Pretty Priest Princess Protagonist Pult Plant punk Punning queen quiet rich Rivalry Robin Williams robotic rude Ruffian Sadist Sadistic Secondary Selfish serious Servant Shroom Sid the Ground Sloth silly simple singing/vocals Sinister Sinner smart smoker Smooth-ish sumo superstitious suspicion Sweet Sweetable Sweetheart Talking Objects Tasty Temperamental Terrorist three-heads Tough toxic trainer treacherous tree Triplets Troublemaker True Antagonist Twin Twins uncoordinated mentally unflappable unknown villain visualnovel voice match warm wild-crazy wind young
New beginnings
Find the music in all things. 
I am a Artist, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Eternal Bond By Martha Pennington(Writer, composer, concept artist, and producer)
PremiseWhen an angel decides to venture to earth in search of answers to Lucifer’s betrayal, she runs into a smart mouth demon, Lucifer himself, and the Seven Deadly Sins, pulling her into the darker side of existence and all the dangers that come with it. 
Speaks: english
Just a 21 year old trying to make stuff that makes people like me happy!
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Jasper is a twenty-one-year-old writer, director, producer, audio editor, video editor, animator, and aspiring voice actor. Yes, they know that is a lot of little titles, but give them a break. They are a huge comic-book fan with some of Jasper's favorite characters including Spider-Man, Superman, Black Canary, Invincible, The Wasp, Hawkeye, Green Lantern, and Moon Knight! Jasper is also in many different fandoms such as Marvel, DC, FNAF, as well as Transformers! 
Jasper is currently working with their close friends from college to develop a Spider-Man Audio Drama for Spotify in addition to future short films and YouTube projects! They are also helping these close friends in their production network with their own projects by holding casting calls for them!
Accents: Adventurous Aggressive Agressive alaskan alien all accents all american accents all english accents american (midwest) american (new york) american (northeast) american (southeast) american (southern) american valley girl american (west coast) Angry annoying arabic aristocratic british Arrogant Articulate Assertive Athletic atlantic australian Authoritative balinese bangladeshi Batman bavarian black american bold Booming Bossy british british (cockney) british (london) british (northern) british (posh) bronx brooklyn brooklyn italian bully Businessman Butler californian calm calming canadian canadian english canadian french caring Cartoonish Charismatic Charming chicago clear Cocky Cold coloradian Comedic comforting commanding Compassionate confident confused cracky crazy creature criminal Croaky curious danish english dark Deceptive Deeo deep demonic Determined detroit east african Echoey Echoing egyptian egyptian arabic elderly elegant emotional emotionless Empathetic energetic english (american) english australian english (british) english (cockney) english (london) english (posh) ethereal evil clown evil villain excited Experienced expressive farmer fast talking fatherly Fearless Fiery Fisherman floridian Formal friendly funky funny game show host gangster geeky general american (midwest) general canadian generic german generic italian generic russian Gentle gentleman Genuine german God Godlike Graceful grandpa gravelly Greedy greek gremlin grizzled growl gruff gruff russian gutteral happy harley quinn hawaiian hawaiian english high pitched hispanic american hispanic english hispanic/latino holly hunter Hotheaded Hulk Impressionist Independent innocent insane Inspiring intellectual intelligent Intense Intimidating Introspective iowan italian italian american italian mobster japanese japanese american jersey jock Journalist kenyan latin american lawyer Leader Leaderly lizard man long island loud louisiana loving low pitch mad mad scientist mafia marlon brando martian mature mean medium high medium low melancholic Melodic menacing Mentor michigan michigander mid atlantic midwest midwest american midwestern mild australian military Mischievous monotone monster monstrous montanan moody teen motherly mother voice Motivational muffled mysterious narrator nasally nebraskan nerdy netherlands netherlands belgium new jersey new orleans news anchor new york new york (bronx) new york (brooklyn) new york italian new zealand noble norse norse/scandinavian northern california northern european northwest american northwestern american norweigan Oaf Obsessed Odd old Older Ominous Omnipotent optimus prime Otherworldly Passionate Paternal pennsylvanian Playboy Police posh posh american Powerful powerful being Precise Primal professional Proud puerto rican Punk queens quiet Quippy radio announcer Rageful raspy raspy australian Reassuring regal regal english Religious Figure Reporter Resonant Respectful Rich rich guy robotic romanian rough rough russian royal royal english rude rugged russian russian english russian (moscow) sad sarcastic Sardonic sassy scandinavian scared seductive serious shady Shark sharp singer sinister Sly Smart smooth soft soldier soothing sophisticated south african southern (american) southern drawl southern irish southern twang spanish standard german standard russian Strategic stressed strong suave sultry superhero supervillain sweet swiss german teacher teen Teenager Tense texan Thanos Theatrical tired tortured tough transatlantic Understanding unsettling Unyielding upstate new york urban new york Versatile villain Vulnerable Warm warrior washingtonian weird well-spoken west coast american west coast american (california) western canadian western new york whimsical wise witch Witty wizard wrestler yorkshire british yorkshire english young young adult young child youthful zombie
Voice Description: androgynous child creature female adult female senior female teen female young adult male adult male child male senior male teen male young adult monster nonbinary accented Actor Adaptable Additional adr/looping/eps adult Adventureous Adventurous aggressive agile Agressive alien alluring Aloof alternative Ambitious Analytical ancient android Angry anguished Animalistic animation annoyed Annoying anxious approachable Aroogant Arrogant articulate Articulated Artificial assertive Athletic audiobook audiobooks audio description authoritative automotive Awesome awkward Backgrorund Background balanced baritone Barren Benevolent bitter bold bookworm booming boss bossy brash Brave bright broadcast Brooding brute Bully bumbling Businessman Butler Calculate Calculated Calculating calm calming cameo Captivating caring cartoonish casino Catrtoonish celestial chaotic charismatic Charming Childish childlike Chilling Classmate clear Clown Coach Coarse Cocky Cold comedic comforting Commanding commercial Compassionate compelling Complex composed Concerned confident Conflicted Confused contemplative Controlled controlling Cop Cosmic Courageous Cracky Crazy creature Crime Boss criminal Croaky Cultivated Cultured Cunning Curious Cynical daring dark Deceptive Decisive Dedicated deep Defiance defiant Detective Determined Diabolical Dignified Disciplined Distinct distinguished Distorted Disturbing Divine doctor Dominant Dorky dramatic Drawl driven Dry dry wit Dry-Wit dumb dynamic Echoey Echoing Edgy educated eerie Efficient Egostistical Egotistical elderly elearning Electrifying Elegant eloquent Emotional emotionless empathetic Empowering enchanting energetic engaging Engimatic Enigmatic entertaining enthusiastic Enunciated Ethereal everyman evil evil villain Exaggerated Exotic Experienced explainer explosive expressive extra familiar fandub fast fast-talking fatherly fearless Feral Ferocious Fierce Fiery Firm Fisherman Fluid focused Foreboding formal Foused friendly funny Gangster Geek Geeky general Generic Genius Gentle Gentleman genuine God Godlike Godly graceful Grandfatherly Gravelly gravitas greedy grieving Grim Grit gritty grizzled gross Grounded Growl gruff grumpy Guilty gutteral Gutterl Guttural happy harsh Haunting heartfelt Heroic High Hothead Hotheaded Hot-headed Hulk Humble Humorous Hypnotic Icy Immature Impatient impish Imposing impression Impressionist Independent Indomitable Indpeendent industrial Innocent Insane insecure Insightful inspirational inspiring intellectual Intelligent Intense internet Intimdating Intimidating introspective inviting irreverent Jock Journalist Joyful kind King Knowing lawyer leader Leaderly light lighthearted Lively Lizard Lizard Man loud Loveable Loving Low Loyal Machine mad Mad Scientist Mafia Magical Magnetic Majestic Maniacal Manic Manipiulative Manipulative Martian Maternal Mature mean Measured Mechanical medical Melancholic Melodic melodious Menacing Menacing' Mentor Metallic Mighty Mild-Mannered military mischievous mobster mocking Monotone Monster Monstrous Moody Moral mother motherly Mother Voice muffled musical Mysterious Mysteruous Mystical narration narrator Nasally Needy Nefarious nerdy nervous neutral Newscaster Noble Nonchalant No-nonsense Normal nuanced Nurse Nurturing Oaf Obsessed obsessive Odd Old older Old-School Ominous Omnipotent Optimistic otherworldly Pained Passionate Pastor Paternal patient Peer-Pressured Persuasive Pervasive Playful podcast Podcat poetic police Polished polite political Posh powerful Preacher precise Precision Predatory pressured Prideful Primal principal professional Professor profound proud Punctuated punk Punk Rock purposeful queen Quick Quick-witted Quippy Quirky Radiant rageful Rapid Rasp raspy Ratioinal Rational reassuring Rebellious Reflective Rega Regal Regretful relatable Relentless reliable Religious Figure Remorseful Reporter resentful Resilient Resolute Resonant Respectful Responsible rich RIngmaster robotic Rough Royal Royalty rude Rugged russian Ruthless Sad Sadistic Sarcastic Sardonic Sassy Savage Scared Scheming Scholarly scientific Scientist Seasoned seductive Self Conscious Serene serious Shady Shark Sharp Shy sincere singer Sinister Sinisyter Skilled Sly smart Smoky Smoldering smooth Smug Soft Soldier Somber song Sonorous soothing Sophisticaled Sophisticated sorcerer Sorrowful southern Southern Drawl Spirited spontaneous spunky sserious Staeady Steadfast steady Steely Stern stoic storyboard demo Strained Strategic Streetwise Stressed strong Stronng Student Suave subtle sultry Superhero superior Supervillain supportive suspicious Sweet Talk Show Host Teacher teenager Tempting tenacious Tense Theatrical Thoughtful threatening Thunderous timeless timid tired Tormented Torn Tough tragic Transformative translations trustworthy Twangy twisted unassuming Unconventional Understanding Unethical Unhinged Unnerving Unpredictable unsettling Unsuspecting Unwavering Unyielding upbeat urgent Valorous Vast Velvety vengeful versatile Vibrant Vigilant villain Villainous villanous Vivacious Vulnerable walla warm warmth warrior wealthy weary Weathered weird Well-Spoken Wheezing whimsical wicked Willful wise witch Witty Wonderous Worried wrestler young youthful Zombie-Like
they squished my boy(66mero on bsky)
I am a Singer and Producer
Skills and Interests: character design
Search all 8513 producer business profiles