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I will become the KING of VOICE ACTING!
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, and Live Actor
Hey there! My name is SquireForHire and thanks for taking the time to check out my profile!

Professional Non-Union VA with extensive experience in ADR, dubbing, animation, and narration.
For business inquiries, please email me at squireforhireva @ gmail.comor Discord me at: squireforhirePlease note: I am NOT accepting un-paid roles for Minecraft, Roblox, Gacha, FNAF, or Machinima productions at this time. Fan projects (comic-dubs, fan-dubs, etc.) are on a case-by-case basis, so please contact me so we can discuss them.
Also, if you're into ORIGINAL comic dubs and want to support the scene as a whole, please check out Raynestorm Productions!I'm one of their VAs and we're cookin' up some AWESOME stuff in the near future!
Speaks: english
Well, I'm alive.
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
A struggling writer.
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: research screenwriting
New to the business as an aspiring voice actor for various media. I've always enjoyed voice over work and was interested it ever since I grew up listening to my favorite cartoons and engaging in some TTRPG groups that have had a big impact on my life. Hoping to start this professional path and get m
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, and Live Actor
New to the business as an aspiring voice actor for various media. I've always enjoyed voice over work and was interested it ever since I grew up listening to my favorite cartoons and engaging in some TTRPG groups that have had a big impact on my life. 
That being said, most of my limited experience comes from these TTRPGs that I've been lucky to be a part of, as well as recording educational videos for classes that I assist in teaching.
Being in education for most of my life (MS degree in Entomology), I've given many scientific talks on material and projects I've lead before, as well as simple educational outreach projects. These projects range from scientific talks on research I've done, to recording lectures for students online while courses are being transferred to virtual classroom settings.
However, my true passion lies in doing voice over work for videogames, cartoons, ...
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
Skills and Interests: audacity research script writing
Fly Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Live Actor
Heyo, you’ve found me!My name is Milo, artist, nerd supreme. Friendly, silly, and an overall a passionate fan of geeky media.
Speaks: english
Accents: jersey redneck
Caucasian/White male voice actor. I am brand new to this and want to see if it is something I could be successful with!
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
Setup: audacity
Voice Description: male adult
Perpetual Work in Progress. They/Them. 26.
I am a Writer and Live Actor
Passionate writer and actor for nearly all of my life, above all I value putting all of my passion and interests in the arts into my work and making meaningful works that can resonate with people the way media resonates with me. Acting Experience: Years of school/college acting and theatre arts. Various volunteer work and seasonal jobs in haunted attractions. Appearance as an extra in an indie film.Writing Experience: Multiple accounts on various writing websites, published works in high school magazines.
Speaks: english
Voice Description: neutral nonbinary
Born to be a Storyteller.
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, and Live Actor
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female adult
Skills and Interests: research
Search all 1841 live actor research profiles