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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Music Composer, and Live Actor
Speaks: english
Accents: texan
Voice Description: female young adult
Actor/ Voice Actor/ Singer \She\They 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Music Composer, Writer, and Live Actor
Formerly Retired Actress looking and hoping to get into some voice acting. Over 10 years industry experience, little rusty but tryin my best some extra income in this economy lol. Would love to be able to voice act full time. 
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
Hey all! I'm Overcæst (pronounced like the weather). I'm a young actor moving from the stage to the recording studio (my walk-in closet)! I've been cast in roles ranging from the boyish and shy to the elder and maniacal, so if you're ever in need of someone to fit the bill, look no further!
Speaks: english
Hi! I'm Hannah. I'm a 15 year old from England with a love for musical theatre :)
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
Hi! My name is Hannah. I speak english as my first language and I am currently learning French and BSL (British sign language). I love creating stories and scripts for characters drawing them, and coming up with their backstories. I also love drama and musical theatre and have done musical theatre for 5 years, which means I have done countless shows and performances. I have also done dance shows every year since 2013, i started doing musical theatre pieces in them in 2019. Please bear in mind that I am in school and doing exams so if I am working on a project it may take longer to finish off things like scripts as I prioritise my education. However, short scripts should take me no longer than a month or two. Any voice acting I do will need flexible timing because of other commitments and education.Musicals/Plays I have been in:Honk jr (musical)Guys and Dolls jr (musical)Matilda jr (mu...
Speaks: english
Max Cansino
Actor and screenwriter :)
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, and Live Actor
Hi, I'm Max Cansino. I'm an actor with a particular interest in video games, sketches, and original animations. In terms of screenwriting, I tend to lean towards comedic and horror-centric stories.
Search all 3406 live actor amateur ukulele profiles