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Search all 302 live actor Morgan Freeman profiles
A Man With A Million Voices!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Greetings, Casting Call Club! I'm thrilled to have this opportunity to connect with you and share a bit about myself and my love for voice acting. My name is [Your Name], and I'm genuinely excited to delve into the world of voice acting and showcase my passion and dedication to the craft.
Experience: My journey into the captivating world of voice acting began with a serendipitous discovery: the delightful realm of abridged series. It all started when I stumbled upon the work of the legendary LittleKuriboh, who revolutionized the anime community with his parody series. I was instantly captivated by his talent for voice acting and his ability to infuse humor into beloved shows.
Inspired by LittleKuriboh's work, I decided to explore voice acting further. I embarked on a quest to develop my skills, honing my vocal range, and studying the nuances of different characters. I practiced ...
Speaks: english
Setup: blue yeti
A fresh-out-of-high-school teenager with a knack for silly impressions and variety music production - will I entertain you?
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Music Composer, and Live Actor
I'm an aspiring performer, entering college to study a two year course towards a UAL Level 3 Diploma/Extended Diploma in Performing Arts.In June 2023, I played the lead role in 'Dysfunctional', an original musical written by Harrison Cranfield, to a crowd of approximately 120 people. The musical can be found through @dysfunctionalmusical on Instagram. This performance required me to both sing and act, while speaking with an American accent due to the musical's setting.Beginning in October 2023, I joined two friends to form 'The Rainy Deck', a roleplaying game podcast. Throughout the course of the podcast, I both played characters in games led by others and led games of my own. This needed me to create and understand the personality of numerous characters to create an immersive experience for my players and contribute to the immersion of other games. The Rainy Deck is available to list...
Speaks: english
Search all 302 live actor Morgan Freeman profiles