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Be the person you want to be! Work hard and you'll make something great out of yourself!
I am a Voice Actor, Audio Engineer, and Live Actor

My name is Sandro, but you can call me Sanboi, San or Donker, whichever you prefer!
I'm an amateur VA going for small, maybe even larger projects for funsies, but I am not opposed to the idea of a buck or two!

Aside from that, I do audio editing, working with distortion effects and whatnot, mainly for my spamton work.
I may or may not sing every so often, but not confident enough to do it loads.

Soyeah! Take a look around, see if anything strikes your fancy!
Skills and Interests: Crazed laugh growling
Actor/VA/Writer - Available for all your hero, helper, and horrible goblin needs (Not able to take unpaid work at this time!)
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Anthony Botelho is a Toronto-based actor, voice actor, and writer. He is currently best known for playing Pronto in Slugterra: Ascension, one of the Trumpets in Netflix's Teletubbies (2022), Sir Topham Hatt in Thomas & Friends: Sodor Mystery, and as the co-creator and principal narrator of Wrong Station, one of Canada's most popular horror podcasts. Originally trained as an ecologist at the University of Toronto, Anthony decided instead to pursue his passion and continues to work in TV, film, animation, and theatre!

Speaks: english
Can't Help But Create...
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Live Actor
hi I'm Wild, I've been a VA for a few years now amongst a million other things. I have a passion for stories and characters that stand the test the time. I hope I can help bring your characters to life the only way I know how; passion, hard work, & analysis.
Speaks: english
Audio Engineer and Voice Actor
I am a Voice Actor and Audio Engineer
Hi there! My name is Chris I’m a professional audio engineer and an aspiring voice actor. Over the past 12 years I have worked on many amazing projects over the years and I’ve even landed myself on the cover of MIX magazine. I have a professional working studio as well as a lucrative career in live and broadcast sound for tv or streaming. After all these years watching such great talent perform, I thought I’d try my hand at the other side of the industry and get behind the microphone. I have a degree in audio engineering with a minor in preforming arts/commercial music. I spent many years in choir from jr high school through college working on my voice and breathe control. In my late teens and in college I sang and screamed/growled in a band. I feel this has given me great control and confidence in my voice. I’m extremely interested in creating character voices, especially when there ...
Search all 7133 audio engineer growl profiles