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Voice Actor, Artist, Animator ⭐ Message me about projects !!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Animator
Hi, I'm Jason! I'm an 18 year old transman (he/him) VA, and I've been voice acting for about three years now! I have extensive experience in stage acting and am currently learning to sing.
I have a high to mid/low female range, and a young high - adult medium high male range, although I am MUCH more comfortable with characters with feminine voices. I love voicing loud and over-the-top characters - I'll bring all the energy!

I am also an artist, I specialize in character drawing and design, and am currently enrolled in an animation course in college.
If you're interested in contacting me, feel free to send me an email ([redacted]) or message me on discord (victimvideo#7516), I'd be happy to discuss roles ect.

If you're interested in my other stuff...

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