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I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Writer
hiya! Need an animator, editor, voice actor or writer?
I am a Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer

Hey! My names Nenko, a polish Gacha creator and animator with 6 years of experience with animating frame by frame and 4 years of experience by animating Gacha stuffs!
I like art, writing, editing, animating and sometimes for fun animating!!

What unpaid work I can do?:-voice acting minor roles,Ā -minor editing,-writing short stories.Ā 
What paid work I can do?:-rigging (LIVE2D, Gacha),-voice acting bigger roles,Ā -art,-bigger editing,-writing huge stories/ series/ mini movies.
Priv message if interested in any of those :)
Socials: (you can see an example of my tweens/animations there :p (more on tiktok))
TikTok:Ā is made my by friend :3
" Smile! That's why we have teeth! "
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, and Writer
Hi!! I'm Techno / Teeth & welcome to my page!
-- > Co-Owner / Head Admin of The Power Ring VA's

You probably found me because I tend to be very annoying with my audition spamming... Sorry LOL
^ Don't be weirded out if I view ur profile, I probably just think you're cool LOL

I'm a beginner VA/VI who started doing this as a joke but now I'm just looking to put my name out there
I'm also a seasoned artist and a (mostly) self taught vocalist :)

NSFW (Unless specifically commissioned)
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: audacity voice editing
Yo the names Kate! (He/she/they/it)
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Writer
I am an artist,I am a furry,and bisexual
Speaks: english
Accents: ausrtralian
Heyo! My name Is Mak and I'm a 23yr old young artist from Michigan. I've been Into cartoons/anime, art, and gaming since the moment I took my first breath. I'm very good at multiple voices, accents, and Impressions. I'm fresh and a newbie to this Industry and scene but I am determined to meet and ne
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Writer
I'm 23, I love art, music, cartoon/anime and video games; more specifically anything retro! I live with my cat In girlfriend In a small apartment on the Westside of Michigan. I work at both a cafe restaurant and a gym. I can't afford to go to art school right now or to own a car but I hope to work hard following my dreams so I can meet new people and do something great one day.
Voice Description: male adult
Search all 956 artist animal jam profiles