Takahashi KetsunyoVA

Takahashi KetsunyoVA

Joined Jun 2021 2 Following1 Followers
About Takahashi KetsunyoVA

Hey Everyone I'm Takahashi Ketsunyo You may call me Ketsunyo or Ketsu for short 
I'm a voice actor in practice and has been active for 2 months in voice acting 
Please to meet you!

  • @diarosee

    I've known Ketsunyo as a VA since he first started, and he's made great leaps. If you ever need a bro to voice a chill guy, I highly recommend Ketsunyo! In my upcoming movie, The Sirens' Lost Heir, he plays Marius Granger. Despite the fact that Marius is a minor character with only ten lines, Ketsunyo did an excellent job. If you ever need a Male VA for Japanese characters, please give him a chance and have fun working with him; he can pronounce Japanese very well. 😎 👍