

Joined Oct 2020 18 Following22 Followers
About susagi

  • @steve-downing

    As a learner of the German language, I posted a request for a reading of a Dungeons and Dragons module (translated from English to German) on this website, which Susagi kindly read for me. The final audio was of top quality and read in a delightful, lively fashion.

    I don't know if the link I've attached will work for you, but I will use this audio, along with the accompanying text, to help strengthen my grasp of German, as well as make it available to other learners of German - to no financial benefit to me, I might add!

  • @bettina

    Wir haben schon so einige Male zusammen gearbeitet und ich finde deine Stimme einfach toll. Du bist so zuverlässig und hilfsbereit, ich freue mich jedes Mal wieder, wenn wir etwas gemeinsam machen können <3