Hello! I'm Gerard Postma aka ArashiYT on YouTube (former SuperSunaArashi!) I'm 30 years old and from The Netherlands!
I'm an aspiring Voice Actor. Ever since I was little I admired voice acting and the amount of work voice actors put in to entertain millions around the globe.
I'm also a YouTuber. On YouTube I have already some experience in terms of voice acting, but I want to expand my horizon and do more serious voice acting in the future!
I'm serious, hard working, but at the same time fun to be around with and motivated to bring the best out of myself! Also i'm reliable and will get the job done!
Discord: ArashiYT#6787
Gerard, aka SuperSunaArashi, is one of the most fun people I've had the occasion to work with.
His voice has a very good range, and he will make sure the quality meets the standards of the producer. He is a passionate voice actor, and always delivers lines on time, often much before the deadline.
I definitely recommend him as a voice actor.