Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Justice for All (fan dub)
Faux Synder for Ema Skye

A young woman who aspires to be a forensic investigator. She comes to the Wright and Co. Law Offices looking to hire Mia Fey to defend her sister, but instead ends up asking Wright for his help clearing her sister's name.
Ema's role is much like Maya's: "there's a certain balance to be found in not making her sound too young, but not sounding too mature either". She's also less emotionally variable from moment-to-moment and spends more than five minutes at a time in any given emotional state unlike Maya who can fly all over the board in less than two. I'm mostly looking for someone who can be chipper, kind, optimistic and hopeful, but also nails scared, confused, and the range of mild to severely upsetting events Ema endures.
Please read at least one line (or section) from each box. You may read every line in every box if you wish to, but it isn't required.
(Has been waiting awhile and finally sees someone enter the Wright and Co. Law Office)
"There you are! Finally! Where have you been!? My sister's trial is tomorrow!"
(Wright is confused and asks her who she is)
"It doesn't matter who I am! It only matters who YOU are! You're the famous defense attorney, Mia Fey! (Awkward silence) Oh, uh... You're not Mia Fey, are you?"(Begging Wright for his help- obviously concerned/mildly upset)
"Please! I'm out of time! Please, you have to help! I-it's my sister!"
(Wright agrees to hear her out)
"R-really!? Thank you so much! My name's Ema, Ema Skye. I'm a scientific investigator."(Upon hearing that her sister intends to plead "guilty" to murder, feeling a swell of emotions that ultimately exhibit as being incredibly upset)
"You... you were always this way, weren't you? You never think of anyone but yourself. I know you didn't do it, Lana, I know! So... So how can you say you did!? If I lose you... I'll be all alone! I... I hate you, Lana!"(Recalling bad memories)
"It's all there in the file... Joe Darke's last victim was Prosecutor Neil Marshall. When he murdered Officer Marshall's brother, he left behind an incriminating piece of evidence. On the night that Neil Marshall was murdered, Joe Darke... tried to kill me."(Getting excited)
"This situation calls for one thing, and that is... Luminol testing fluid! Blood is sticky stuff, you know. You can't just wash it away with a little water. Even if you can't see it, it's still there..."
Wright: "But wouldn't the police have already done those tests?"
"Never trust anyone's eyes but your own, Mr. Wright! Just give it a try!"
Wright: "M-me? Why do I have to do it!?"
"I'm a minor! I can't even drink yet!"