Final Fantasy Type-0 Animated Parody [Chapters 1 & 2]
Dillan Jeffery for Moglin
Moglin, Cinque's favorite nickname for the Moogle. Officially, ze is known as MOOGLE, or, Military Operations Organization/Guidance Logistics Expert, however, you may know zir by his shortened name, Mog. However, in dismay to Cinque calling hir Moglin, ze objected by saying ze has a real name, and once Cinque asks what it is, he responds "Hatzkhaminei Lowtoyosna Eripulci". Finding the name too hard to say, Cinque sticks with Moglin, and the nickname sticks. Ze serves as the means of Class Zero's mission briefing, and often relays orders via the COMM device, while the Cadets are on the field.
Having no particular gender, the only pronouns stated in the game are "ze" and "hir", therefore hir gender is never explicitly stated.
As with most Moogles, hir might end his sentences with "Kupo!"
However, what makes hir completely different, is not only that hir will break the fourth way, but, that hir is self-aware, and hir may often foreshadow the Cadets' eventual fates.
"No, kupo! No "lin", kupo!" (sigh) "Kupo..."
(OPTIONAL LINE) "I have a real name, kupo!" (pause) "It's Hatzkhaminei Lowtoyosna Eripulci, kupo!"
"I know your fates, kupo! However, it's my duty to state that would be spoiling the story, kupo!"
I must admit, good Sir, you really astonished me! Even I can't pronounce Moglin's real name...Heh.