NieR: Automata FanDub
TheSamigirl101 for Commander White

The calm and composed commander of the YoRHa units and director of the orbital satellite known as the “Bunker”. There is some connection between her and A2.
Despite being called a "hardass" by 9S, it is revealed by Operator 6O that the Commander actually leaves her clothes strewn all over her private quarters and she rarely does maintenance on her body.
Glory to mankind!
What path will you take? It's up to you to decide.'re being detained under suspicion of virus infection.

I love how much of an authority figure the character is and I feel you have portrayed her to a certain point. There were times where I felt that the authority in your voice comes off as convincing, yet unconvincing at the same time. You fluctuate when delivering lines but when you do come off as "I am the boss and you do as I say" I feel it's done quite well. Do keep it up!

Thank you so much! The fluctuating might be due to the fact I haven't exactly played a role where my character has this level of authority. Not to mention I was directing myself through this new experience. I'll continue to practice at this kind of role and improve as I go. Thank you for the feedback! If you don't mind me asking: do you have any suggestions on how I can sound more convincing?

Best thing to do to get the right tone is to watch clips of authority figures like an army general or a fleet officer. The character must have this harsh tone but one that also inspires other to reach their ultimate goal. When you can, try to re audition with this feedback in mind