NieR: Automata FanDub
The Animation Voice for Pod 042
Pod 042 and Pod 153 are tasked with carrying out the completion of Project YoRHa once 9S and A2 battle. Choosing either ending will cause the Pods to start the deletion of all Project YoRHa files. But Pod 042 denies the request and questions what they are doing. If the player decides to stop the deletion of the memories, they are introduced to a hacking game. However, if they decide to delete the data, the credits will roll and ending E will not be earned.
In the end, Pod 042 tries to commit suicide. Becoming self-aware of themselves and what they are doing, Pod 042 and Pod 153 start to rebuild the bodies of 2B, 9S and A2. With 2B and 9S lying next to each other and A2 sitting perched on top of a tower.
Alert: Enemy units sighted ahead.
Activation of unit A2 confirmed. Good morning, A2
Pod 042 to player. Please respond to query. You, (make up a PSN/XBL account name for player), faithful player of this title, have lost your life multiple times to make it this far. You have faced crushing hardship, and suffered greatly for it. Do you have an interest in helping the weak?
While i did enjoy the accurate robitic editing, the voice is too robotic. It is a good take on Pod 042, but, the character does display emotion in his delivery. Would it be possible to redo the audition with a little more emotion in your lines?