Star Wars: Thrawn | Comic Dub
Poppletron for Pirate #1
A pirate captured by the Imperials and interrogated by Thrawn. This character will have an extended conversation in the alien language Sy Bisti, so delivery of these alien lines will be crucial to getting cast.
“Pirate queen? We have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Ocubungu akatho songemithimbe?”
Oh-coo-bun-goo ah-kah-tho son-geh-mee-theem-bay?
(“You think we can trust him?”)
“Ame soshishe ngukwenili, kafenili sokwezo akafoke lephu ngephembo kukatho a-Tarkin nume ngoshu ni- Abasubalahleze ongesoxushe.”
Ah-may so-shee-shay ngoo-kweh-nee-lee, kah-fay-nee-lee so-kway-zo ah-kah-fo-kay lay-foo ngay-faim-bo koo-kah-tho a-Tar-kin noo-may ngo-shoo nee-ah-ba-soo-bah-lah-hlay-zay on-gay-so-zhu-shay.
(“If we’re fast enough, we should be able to get there before Tarkin or even Blueface can chase us down.”)