Fire Emblem Fates- Heirs of Fate Fandub!
Victoria Stam for Nina

Voice Reference:
Though she is cool and collected with a good intellect, Nina also has dubious delusions. Seeing two males in close proximity to each other, especially when they are interacting, fuels her delusions of a possible "steamy" relationship between the two. As a result of the innumerable delusions that she harbors about boys in her fantasies, Nina has thus developed, ironically enough, a debilitating nervousness that prevents her from interacting with them with ease, making her the worst at talking to males out of everyone in the army. This is evidenced throughout her supports with most male characters outside of her father and Forrest, as he is the only guy she feels comfortable talking with due to the fact that he does not dress nor act like a typical boy his age does.
Are there more fine gents worthy of my attention? Maybe a whole smorgasbord of masculine delights?
Heheh...nice. The two of you come together and literal sparks fly…
There's no polite way to say, "My dad was a selfish jerk." He hardly ever visited me until he suddenly got it into his head to risk his life for me.